Welcome to your new space!

This is the International Dentistry SIG Project migrated from Collabnet - https://csfe.aceworkspace.net/sf/projects/dentistry_sig/

For more information please see the ds documentation and help guide

Keen to join this SIG?

Most IHTSDO Confluence users do not need accounts. In contrast to IHTSDO's previous collaborative space ("Collabnet," or "TeamForge"), Confluence allows non-registered users to browse topics and delve into project spaces without logging in. You can participate in this IHTSDO Special Interest Group (SIG) without having a Confluence login.

So why would you need an account?  Registered members of the SIG will have the opportunity to participate in the process of nominating and recommending the appointment of future SIG Chairs. If you wish to actively participate in this project - commenting on pages, marking off when you have completed an action, uploading documents for discussion, etc. - then you need an account. If so, please fill out the form on this page.

Confluence account application forms will be reviewed by an administrator to determine whether an account is necessary for the stated purposes.

Archive - Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Health Professions Coordination Group (HPCG) and Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs)




Blog Posts

International Dentistry SIG Terms of Reference

Please visit the IHTSDO website to read the SIG's Terms of Reference Document.


Meeting Information - Dentistry SIG

Discussions - Dentistry SIG

Documents - Dentistry SIG

Migrated Items - Dentistry SIG

IHTSDO Issues Related to Dentistry (...Mostly)

Key Summary T Created Updated Due Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution