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Microsoft Word Document Meeting notes for 04282015 draft v2.docx Created by mjurkovich on Fri May 29 15:43:35 Z 2015 last modified on Fri May 29 15:43:35 Z 2015 v1 Please review and provide any comments or changes during our upcoming teleconference. Please re-evaluate the section on our work plan for the upcoming yea 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Copy of caries spreadsheetMay 29 15 v1.xlsx Created by mjurkovich on Fri May 29 15:58:36 Z 2015 last modified on Fri May 29 15:58:36 Z 2015 v1 please review the first twenty entries and provide any comments at our upcoming teleconference. We are reviewing current caries terms in SNOMED CT and det 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Excel Sheet Dentistry_July2015.xls Created by phernandez on Wed Jun 03 13:37:54 Z 2015 last modified on Wed Jun 03 13:37:54 Z 2015 v1 List of concepts and changes. 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document prelim agenda june 2015.docx Created by mjurkovich on Fri May 29 15:40:46 Z 2015 last modified on Fri May 29 15:40:46 Z 2015 v1 Please provide any changes/additions directly to me prior to the meeting. 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration