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Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Currently available SNOMED CT terms for caries severity.pptx Created by mjurkovich on Sun Aug 03 18:40:24 Z 2014 last modified on Sun Aug 03 18:40:24 Z 2014 v1 Dr. White asked for a bit of information on what was already available within SNOME T for certain aspects of our caries severity project. This covers some | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Revised agenda August 5 mtg v1.docx Created by mjurkovich on Thu Jul 24 18:48:42 Z 2014 last modified on Mon Jul 28 20:34:01 Z 2014 v1 A revision in the agenda to allow for discussion of the current work plan. discussion to be led by Jane Millar. Additionally, we will be modifying the di | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Copy of remaining SNODENT terms reviewed July 14 2014 MJ.xlsx Created by mjurkovich on Wed Jul 16 14:04:09 Z 2014 last modified on Wed Jul 16 14:04:09 Z 2014 v1 This is an updated spreadsheet of SNODENT terms that were withdrawn a few months ago as they were still pending for a variety of reasons. We are now attem | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document International Dentistry SIG work plan 2014 20140722 v0.03.docx Created by mjurkovich on Mon Jul 28 20:28:10 Z 2014 last modified on Mon Jul 28 20:28:10 Z 2014 v1 This is the work plan we will be discussing at our meeting. It lists projects and timelines and generally follows with what we have discussed for the past | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Substances outline July 16 v1.docx Created by mjurkovich on Wed Jul 16 13:57:43 Z 2014 last modified on Wed Jul 16 13:57:43 Z 2014 v1 This is an outline of the substances that are necessary to populate a basic odontogram. I have made some comments at the end of the document. If you note | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Agenda for August 5 updated.docx Created by mjurkovich on Wed Jul 16 13:53:23 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Jul 24 18:50:30 Z 2014 v1 This is the proposed initial agenda. If you would like to have anything added or deleted, please either modify this document or email me at jurko003@umn.e | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
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