
Welcome to the International Family Practice-General Practice SIG Space in Confluence. 

This space is for the IFP/GP SIG members to share information and collaborate. Most IHTSDO Confluence users do not need accounts. In contrast to IHTSDO's previous collaborative space ("Collabnet," or "TeamForge"), Confluence allows non-registered users to browse topics and delve into project spaces without logging in. You can participate in the IHTSDO Confluence sites without having a Confluence login.

So why would you need an account?  Registered members of the SIG will have the opportunity to participate in the process of nominating and recommending the appointment of future SIG Chairs. If you wish to actively participate in this project - commenting on pages, marking off when you have completed an action, uploading documents for discussion, etc. - then you need an account. If so, please fill out the form on this page. Confluence account application forms will be reviewed by an administrator to determine whether an account is necessary for the stated purposes.

Please see the Confluence User Guide or Questions for some useful tips. If you have any issues, please send an email to confluence-support@ihtsdo.org.

Definition of general/family practice:

  • Is normally the point of first medical contact within the health care system, providing open and unlimited access to its users, dealing with all health problems regardless of the age, sex, or any other characteristic of the person concerned.
  • Makes efficient use of health care resources through co-ordinating care, working with other professionals in the primary care setting, and by managing the interfact with other specialties taking an advocacy role for the patient when needed.
  • Is responsible for the provision of longitudinal continuity of care as determined by the needs of the patient. 

Extracted from the Wonca Dictionary of General/Family Pract

Archive - Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Health Professions Coordination Group (HPCG) and Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs)


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In 2009 a harmonization agreement was finalized between the IHTSDO and WONCA to promote co-operation and collaboration between the two organizations. This agreement led to the formation of the International Family Physician/General Practitioner Special Interest Group (IFP/GP SIG) under the auspices of the IHTSDO. The IFP/GP SIG was established to suggest content for SNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT®) related to general/family practice and to provide quality assurance for SNOMED CT content from the general/family practice perspective. 

The agreement led to 2 key pieces of work – the development of a SNOMED CT subset for health issues/reasons for encounter and a map of this subset to International Classification of Primary Care, Version 2 (ICPC-2). These have been produced and are released by IHTSDO and are maintained and updated in collaboration with the IFP/GP SIG.


The purpose of the International Family Practice and General Practice SIG is to provide coherent, coordinated and comprehensive advice to enhance IHTSDO products and services - a key aspect of addressing the IHTSDO priorities. In addition, the group will contribute to ensuring the IHTSDO has a coordinated approach to engagement with international primary healthcare professional groups.


Membership of the International Family Practice and General Practice SIG is open to all and participation is welcomed by anyone interested in ensuring that SNOMED CT supports primary care requirements for electronic documentation and communication of patient care in any setting. Please see the information in the 'Welcome' section above for details of how to actively register as a member of the SIG.