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Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet fsn substances by direct and color may 21 v1 with notes.xlsx Created by mjurkovich on Wed May 21 19:23:26 Z 2014 last modified on Wed May 21 19:23:26 Z 2014 v1 This contains only the more common substances that would be used in representing a current condition by using an odontogram. This list contains none of th 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document finalized summary of Apr 28 2014 meeting.docx Created by mjurkovich on Wed May 07 15:59:43 Z 2014 last modified on Wed May 07 15:59:43 Z 2014 v1 This is a summary f the meeting and is open for comment or correction. Either use the Discussions tab by starting a new discussion or you may email me at 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document preliminary agenda.docx Created by mjurkovich on Wed May 21 19:13:30 Z 2014 last modified on Wed May 21 19:13:30 Z 2014 v1 Initial agenda for meeting. Please let me know if you would like changes or additions at 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Materials vs. Types.ppt Created by bsoucy on Tue Jun 03 03:34:14 Z 2014 last modified on Tue Jun 03 03:34:14 Z 2014 v1 Proposed organization of restorative materials and restoration types 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration