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Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet further clarification list.xlsx Created by mjurkovich on Thu Oct 02 13:53:49 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Oct 02 13:53:49 Z 2014 v1 This is a list of the remaining terms from SNODENT that the SIG is still requesting be added. If you can provide any further clarifications on those terms 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document TOR template v2.docx Created by mjurkovich on Thu Oct 16 21:50:17 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Oct 16 21:50:17 Z 2014 v1 The SIG may be asked to finalize its terms of reference as an additional agenda item at our upcoming meetings. Please take a look at this document and see 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document Agenda Revised October 16.docx Created by mjurkovich on Thu Oct 16 21:45:01 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Oct 16 21:45:01 Z 2014 v1 revised agenda as of 10/16/2014 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation visible light imaging for ortho and dicom.pptx Created by mjurkovich on Thu Oct 16 21:49:06 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Oct 16 21:49:06 Z 2014 v1 The American Association of Orthodontists has developed a document listing visible light imaging that is transferred between orthodontists for continuing c 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document Meeting summary of Oct 1 2014.docx Created by mjurkovich on Thu Oct 02 13:54:40 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Oct 02 13:54:40 Z 2014 v1 Please let me know or revise the document regarding any changes. My email address is 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document Proposed Agenda October 27.docx Created by mjurkovich on Thu Oct 02 13:50:16 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Oct 02 13:50:16 Z 2014 v1 Please review and add any topics that should be considered for this meeting 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration
Microsoft Word Document TOR template v1.docx Created by mjurkovich on Thu Oct 02 13:52:02 Z 2014 last modified on Thu Oct 02 13:52:02 Z 2014 v1 Please note area on objectives and provide ideas, if you can. Please review the remainder of the document and provide feedback. A more complete one will 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration