File | Modified | |
Microsoft Word Document gotomeeting instructions.docx Created by mjurkovich on Tue Aug 06 15:58:36 Z 2013 last modified on Tue Aug 06 15:58:36 Z 2013 v1 This provides the meeting code and brief instructions, as the meeting will be held using goto meeting, rather than IHTSDO teleconference lines. | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Copy of concept spreadsheet040192013_JN and MJ notes combined.xlsx Created by mjurkovich on Mon Jul 29 22:57:17 Z 2013 last modified on Mon Jul 29 22:57:17 Z 2013 v1 spreadsheet providing current status of concepts for review by dentistry sig. Several concepts are marked as needing clarification in order to assist with | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet SNODENT tooth-teeth match 07 23 2013.xls Created by mjurkovich on Tue Aug 06 15:24:04 Z 2013 last modified on Tue Aug 06 15:24:04 Z 2013 v1 identifies concepts with either the word tooth or teeth in them. This will allow us to evaluate wehther we are using the words consistently or need to req | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
Microsoft Word Document Preliminary Agenda Dentistry SIG conference call.docx Created by mjurkovich on Tue Jul 23 01:44:09 Z 2013 last modified on Tue Jul 23 01:44:09 Z 2013 v1 Items identified for discussion during August meeting. Please advise me of additional items that should be included. | 2015-Oct-19 by Collabnet Migration | |
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