Welcome to the Nutrition Care Process Terminology Clinical Project Group space

This project group has been established to undertake the following:
  • Quality assurance of promoted NCPT related terms from US extension (685 concepts) (completed)
  • Review and confirm remaining NCPT content for addition to the SNOMED CT International release (approx. 1000 concepts) (completed)
  • Prepare and model 100 concepts for initial pilot for addition to the SNOMED CT International Release (in progress)
  • Review the outcomes of the initial pilot to inform next steps (in progress)
  • Model and submit the remaining content for addition to the SNOMED CT International Release (approx. 1000 concepts remaining of 2000) (in progress)
  • Agree on updating process and maintenance plans, in line with NCPT developments

Project times scales:

  • To be confirmed based on a detailed project plan agreed with SNOMED international
  • SCROLL well below this point to view the 2020-2022 WORK PLAN and overall projected timeline

Meeting Schedule

There will be a regular call typically on the 3rd Monday of each month at 19:00 UTC

Conference call details are the same each call.

ZOOM LINK! The link to join is always:

 Password: 744624

Next meetings:

April 11, 2023 at 18:00 UTC (13:00 Central Time US)- Please note this is a Tuesday and is one hour earlier at 18:00 UTC

May 15, 2023 at 19:00 UTC

June 19, 2023 at 19:00 UTC

NO July or August meeting

Project scope

2020 NCPT terminology for international usage to be included in SNOMED CT International Release. 

2021-2023 NCPT CPG Work Plan

Describes the aims and objectives of the Nutrition Care Process Terminology Clinical Project Group. Terminology support the use of the Nutrition Care Process and Model.

Overall objectives

The main purpose of the Nutrition Care Process Terminology Clinical Project Group  is to: 

Submit and model 2020 NCPT content for addition to the SNOMED CT International release (approx. 1000 concepts remaining of about 2000)

Prepare and model 89 concepts for that were promoted to the SNOMED CT International Release from the US Extension

Review the outcomes of modeling pilot to provide feedback/learnings and inform next steps

Agree on updating process and maintenance plans, in line with NCPT developments

Development of a reference set for nutrition problems



Teleconferences are held monthly, every third Monday of the month (announcement on Confluence)

Face-to-Face meetings

None planned.

2020 - 2023 Activities and Overall Timeline




Timeframe (suggested)




NCPT Modeling Pilot

Modeling and submission of 89 NCPT concepts to SNOMED International

(concepts based on four use cases:

    • Gestational diabetes mellitus
    • Overweight/obesity
    • Gastrointestinal cancer
    • Heart failure

89 concepts modeled and submitted to SNOMED CT

Provision of input on the topic/s within set timeframes as agreed by the NCPT CPG and relevant SNOMED International staff member/s.

NCPT CPG chair together with relevant SNOMED International staff member for item being discussed.


89 of 89 concepts (100%) reviewed, remodeled, and/or recommendations implemented (Sept 2022)

80 of 89 concepts (90%) reviewed, remodeled, and/or recommendations implemented (Feb 2022)

73 of 89 concepts (82%) reviewed, remodeled, and/or recommendation implemented (March 2021)


2020 NCPT modelling and submission to SNOMED CT

The editorial decisions made by the NCPT CPG as identified by minutes of the NCPT CPG.

Items will be raised as relevant over the course of the year. For each item raised the deliverable will be input and/or feedback as required within mutually agreed timeframes.

Provision of input on the topic/s within set timeframes as agreed by the NCPT CPG.

NCPT CPG chair together with relevant SNOMED International staff member for item being discussed.

In progress

Appr. 135 concepts of 2,190 (6%) remain and are being reviewed for submission (April 2023)

Appr. 178 concepts of 2,190 (8%) remain to be submitted/modeled (Feb 2022)

Appr. 220 concepts of 2,190 (10%) remain to be submitted/ modeled (Sept 2022)

Appr. 445 concepts of 2,190 (20%) remain to be submitted/modeled (Dec 2021)

Appr. 890 concepts of 2,190 (41%) (December 2020)

3Reference set developmentCreation of a reference set for nutrition content.Reference set published.


NCPT CPG Chair with  together with relevant SNOMED International staff members.

Resource evaluation for development and maintenance complete. Training complete. Draft set (nutrition problems) created and quality assurance review complete.

4Overall remaining timeline 

Goal to submit and model approximately 70 terms per edition. Aim for completion July 2023.

Reference set publication; timeline TBD 

NCPT CPG chair together with relevant SNOMED International staff member for item being discussed.

In progress 

Pilot completed: 89 of 89 concepts (100%) reviewed, remodeled, and/or recommendations implemented (Sept 2022)

Concept submissions: Appr. 135 concepts of 2,190 (6%) remain to be submitted and modeled.

Ref set work underway.


  • The NCPT CPG will engage in two-way communication between the SNOMED International Content Team and NCPT CPG members on areas relevant to SNOMED CT content development.
  • The primary routes for communications will be the NCPT CPG Confluence Space and zoom Meetings.
  • Communications to the NCPT CPG will by default, be publicly accessible on the NCPT CPG Confluence Space.

Criteria for measuring success

The key criteria for success of the NCPT CPG in 2020 will be related to the timely modelling and submission of 2020 NCPT concepts  to support the revision and updating of nutrition content of SNOMED International. The measures of success will relate to the progress of the deliverables as set out in the 2020 activities section above. 

Future project/s identified for Nutrition Clinical Reference Group (CRG)

Review of Deficiency of macronutrients: https://jira.ihtsdotools.org/browse/IHTSDO-1176 

Dietary Product (product):  DRUGS-131 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Review subhierarchy - 384760004 |Feeding and dietary regime (regime/therapy)| hierarchy: NUTRITION-66 - Getting issue details... STATUS   

Remodel observables with products where appropriate: NUTRITION-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Review Central obesity (disorder)

Group Membership

For details of group members click here

Conference call facilities