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Date: 2021-03-24


1830- 2000 UTC

1030-1200 PDT

Zoom Meeting Details

Hi there,

Jim Case is inviting you to a scheduled SNOMED International Zoom meeting.

Topic: SNOMED Editorial Advisory Group Conference Call
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Password: 287392

Meeting ID: 999 9796 1770

Password: 287392
International numbers available:

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Meeting Files:


Meeting minutes:

The call recording is located here.


  • Obtain consensus on agenda items

Discussion items

1Call to order and role call

Start recording!


Conflicts of interest and agenda review

No conflicts noted

3Briefing note regarding conditions caused by substance or product
4Concept inactivation workgroup status report Paul Amos
5Glascow coma score and assessment scale components

Based on a discussion at the Anesthesia CRG and Observables Project there is a requirement to add more content for Glasgow Coma Scale

Please see full discussion here:

Presentation included with this agenda item suggesting common observables definitions.

References to Standarization of the GCS:

Draft document from Anesthesia CRG:

Discussions within Observables Project Group and and review of assessment scores deployed at Nebraska have proceeded with extended proposal for inclusion of assessment scales in use in Sweden as well as US.   

Modelling proposal added to Attachment s summarizing Assessment Scale Score Observables development: Clinical Scale Scores_20210224.pptx.  Proposal promotes expanding content model for full definition of scales such as co-morbidity, Glasgow Coma Scale and SOFA scores.

Anesthesia CRG wishes to explore further the best model for including definitions/explanations of Ordinal Scale score Value sets used in calculated scores.


  • James R. Campbell and Andrew Norton to provide example of observables for assessment scales
  • EAG to review document for examples of findings that clinicians would like to see
6ECE TopicsBruce Goldberg
  • Updated model for contact dermatitis



7Evaluation to Observables (E2O project) update

Daniel Karlsson@James Campbell

  • Proposal for transfer of concepts from <<Evaluation Procedures to Observable entities under going model development in Protege for Phase 1 (Lab testing procedures) in order to test hierarchy build and revisions.

9Next meetingEAG

April business meeting