1 | 0900-0905 | call to order and role call | JCA | | - Attendance sheet to be circulated to collect attendee names
2 | 0905-0910 | Conflict of Interest statements and approval of minutes from 20160404 | JCA | | - Approve minutes (pending transcription)
| 0910-0915 | Update on completed issues | JCA | - Use of slashes in FSNs
- Use of URLS in definitions
| - JCA to write up editorial guidance based on final decision for use of slashes in FSNs and provide to editorial guide editor
- JCA to write up editorial guidance based on final decision for use of URLs in deinitions and provide to editorial guide editor
| 0915-0930 | Drug product Action Item follow up | TMO | | - TMO to invite KCA to present the VA RxNorm project to the drug modeling group.
- Check with Danish folks to determine the value of additional modeling of strength-related products -TMO
| 0930-0950 | Initial discussion on the use of Products as attribute values | TMO | | |
| 0950-1000 | Update on substances redesign | TMO | - Shift of responsibilities and future direction
| |
| 1000-1030 | Laterality proposal update | JCA | Summary of discussion comments and review of prior decision on selection of preferred option | - from IGR - Can we have an idea of the extent of changes that will be required on current content?
- From IGR - What will it mean for project where there is usage of content that currently represent a lateralised concept?
- Add quality assurance section
- Clarify the advantages when moving to nested DL of selecting ""Laterality" in relationship group over creating Lateralized anatomy. - GRE, YGA
- Document development of technical implementation and communication plan
| 1030-1100 | Break | | | |
| 1100-1200 | Overview of ECE policy recommendations | BGO | - Guidelines for modeling combined disorder patterns
- Addition of during, during AND/OR after to associated with role hierarchy
- Syndromes in which constituent conditions are variably present
| 2016-04-19 Editorial Advisory Group Face-to-face Meeting |
| 1200-1300 | Lunch | | | |
| 1300-1400 | Content tracker review | JCA | Content tracker dashboard IHTSDO-858 - artf6279-definition of grouper, whitelisting of exceptions to MRCM rules in User Guide ACCEPTED IHTSDO-908 - artf221357-Extended (non-ASCII) UTF8 characters in terms ACCEPTED IHTSDO-512 - artf6196-Moving between hierarchies without retirement: policy ACCEPTED IHTSDO-803 - artf6195-Word order variants: policy OPEN IHTSDO-707 - artf222830-Editorial policy issue - "AND" vs. "AND/OR" ACCEPTED
| - Determine prioritization recommendation to assist Consultant terminologist group in selecting high impact issues.
| 1400-1430 | Modularization of SNOMED CT | KCA | |
| 1500-1530 | Break | | | |
| 1530-1600 | Review of "Lymphadenopathy" | JCA | - Clinical use as synonym for "Lymph node enlargement" and current SNOMED CT structure.
| |
| 1600-1615 | Conference call scheduling | JCA | Review of continuing need for monthly meetings Time and day verification fourth Monday of months at 1800 UTC | |
| 1615-1645 | Additional items from the floor | EAG | - From Content managers: With regards to name changes in organisms, they have asked for an opinion on changing the FSN wthout changing the concept ID.
- Plus any topic from earlier in the meeting that need additional discussion time
| |
| 1645-1700 | Develop AG "Three bullet points" | EAG | | - Create slide with three bullet points summarizing AG activity at the meeting
| 1700 | Adjourn | | | |