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Date: 2021-09-22


1730- 1900 UTC

1030-1200 PDT

Zoom Meeting Details

Topic: SNOMED Editorial Advisory Group Conference Call

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Meeting Files

Meeting minutes:

The call recording is located here.


  • Obtain consensus on agenda items

Discussion items

1Call to order and role call

This meeting is being recorded to ensure that important discussion points are not missed in the minutes.  The recording will be available to the SNOMED International community.  

If a majority of participants object to recording, only written minutes will be available, otherwise, anyone objecting to recording is requested to exit the meeting.


Conflicts of interest and agenda review

None stated.

3Reterming of "Angiography" procedures with PROCEDURE SITE  of "X artery"Monica Harry

Source: Freshdesk ticket 

EAG -Angiography_arteriography Briefing note September 1st 2021.docx

Angiography_Arteriography EAG 20210901_MHA .pptx


20210901: Over 500 procedures with a direct site of "Artery", but are named "Angiography".  Propose to rename these as FSN using "Arteriography" with a PT of "Angiography".  This will result in a sizeable number of changes to FSNs and descriptions.

Question: Is there a pattern in where we have used Angiography, when we are focused on an artery?  Is venography just a convenient by-product? 

Are we just using "angiography" as a convenient mechanism due to the general perceived synonymy in common use?  Will it cause problems down the road if we need to make the distinction?  

Because of the use of both "angiography" and "arteriography" synonymously, should we have both represented as descriptions but not to make "angiography" the preferred term when the focus is an artery.

Proposed that in the description that the artery be specified if the description contains "Angiography".

Alternative proposal is that we do not use "Arteriography" in the FSN.  Angiography would be used as long as the specific artery is specified.  This would be the same for the PT. Arteriography would be added as a synonym where appropriate.


Recommend: Do not remove the synonym Angiogram until such time as we receive a request to create separate stand-alone record artifact type concepts for these.

Should find a way to have a more robust way to differentiate between the actual procedure and the output of the procedure.  The use of "-gram" in the procedure hierarchy makes it "clear" that it represents the procedure not the report.


Concepts with "arteriography" in the FSN will be renamed "Angiography of X artery", with "Angiography of X artery" as the PT.  Arteriography of X artery will be added as a synonym.

The presence of "angiogram" description has previously been approved for the ones that are present, but we will go out for comment prior to inactivation of these "-gram" terms.

2021-09-13: A revised document was circulated modifying the editorial proposal to retain the terms containing "angiogram" due to their high clinical usage and value for concept retrieval.

2021-09-22: Will retain the "-gram" descriptions for those that have them, but will not create new ones.

4Concept inactivation workgroup update

Inactivation of Ambiguous Concepts - review of comments and problematic examples

From Jim Case  Ambiguous concepts identified by member

208493001 |Open fracture finger distal phalanx, multiple (disorder)|

208488004 |Open fracture finger middle phalanx, multiple (disorder)|

208482003 |Open fracture finger proximal phalanx, multiple (disorder)|

These are confusing concepts and it is unclear from the current wording what is intended.  As one would expect, these are most likely derived from ICD-9 (e.g. 816.13 Open fracture of multiple sites of phalanx or phalanges of hand), which is also open to interpretation.  In the recent remodeling of these concepts, the representation in some cases is that multiple phalanges or digits are involved, in other cases such as abrasions and open wounds, they are modeled as multiple morphologies on a single digit.

Given that the original source of these concepts was ambiguous as to whether one or more digits were involved, these concepts should be inactivated as ambiguous and replaced with concepts with more specific FSNs, i.e.

"Open fracture of distal phalanx of multiple fingers" and "Multiple open fractures of distal phalanx of finger".  The latter is an example of a concept that most likely would never occur, (multi-fragmentary fractures occur) but would need to be created in order to conform to the requirements associated with AMBIGUOUS inactivation reason from the concept inactivation workgroup.  Thus it too would be inactive (Paul Amos, what would be the inactivation reason?)

Useful references: Traumatic Finger Injuries: What the Orthopedic Surgeon Wants to Know and Distal phalanx, distal and shaft, multifragmentary


20210901: Three options:

  1. Inactivate as a classification concept
  2. Create a non-useful concept and inactivate as "Non-conformant"
  3. Create a new concept that represents comminuted or multi-fragmentary to support the alternative interpretation.

Issues with tooling prevents option 2. from being implemented at this time.  Interim solution would be to inactivate with one replacement and then return to these after the tooling solution is implemented. 


No time for complete discussion.  Will be carried forward to next call.

20210922: Continued discussion. Slide discussion


Review of the use of AMBIGUOUS as an inactivation reason shows and increased use of the reason over the past four years.  This will decrease when the new inactivation reasons become available.


Create two concepts to replace with one representing comminuted fractures. 

5ECE TopicsBruce Goldberg

Osteoarthritis: A majority of descendants of Osteoarthritis (disorder) are not kinds of osteoarthritis. Model needs to be revised.


Bruce Goldbergpresented a discussion related to deposition and degeneration.  Recommended moving Deposition out from under Degeneration.

Osteoarthritis has multiple child concepts that are not considered to be osteoarthritis.  This is due to the current definition of Osteoarthritis.  Current thought is that osteoarthritis is more than just degeneration of the joint.  It is a complex disorder.  Because of the complexity is it not possible to SD Osteoarthritis. Proposed remodeling will move hundreds of inappropriate concepts out from under Osteoarthritis.

Suggest creating new morphology = Inflammatory degeneration. The inflammatory aspect of this disorder is variable, but it is considered an arthritis, which requires an inflammatory morphology.  Some comment that common use of arthritis (inflammatory) and osteoarthritis do not consider them related.

Need a common parent for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?  

As this is a high use area of content, we must carefully consider the impact on users.   Suggested that there be a site where the impact of the proposed changes can be viewed.  Will bring this up to the technical team to determine options for interim viewing.



6Complication remodelingJim Case

Issues have arisen with the remodeling of subtypes of 116223007 |Complication (disorder)|, based on earlier agreed decisions from EAG.

Proposal for revision of the “Complication” hierarchy

Based on agreed proposals, editorial guide will need to be updated.


Insufficient time to discuss, moved to October


7Maternal vs. fetal periods of life

See attached document for review:

Modeling issues related to maternal periods

Complications related to pregnancy


Insufficient time to discuss, moved to October


8Review of requirement for external editorsJim Case

A draft document for review that outlines the requirements for external editors (non-SNOMED staff) to work within the International release is available for review.  This docuemnt will also be provided to the Member Forum and the CMAG.

Requirements for external editors of SNOMED CT International Release


Insufficient time to discuss, moved to October


9X (person) vs. X of subject (person)Jim Case

A question from a member country on when to use "X (person)" vs. "X of subject (person)" has exposed issues with determination of equivalence in information models that either split the relationship from the condition vs. using a precoordinated Situation concept to represent the SUBJECT RELATIONSHIP CONTEXT.


Insufficient time to discuss, moved to October


10AOBEAGWelcomed Alejandro to the SNOMED team and his new particiption as an ex officio member. Aked for input on a new CoP member to replace him on the group.
11Next meetingEAGNext conference call is scheduled for the annual business meeting October 18, 2021 1600 - 1930 UTC