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Discussion items

1ApologiesPatrick McCormick


2Minutes of April F2F MeetingPatrick McCormick

Minutes here:

2017-04-23 Anesthesia SIG Face to Face Meeting


3Matters arising from the minutesPatrick McCormick

Andrew Norton to look into modeling MAC, awareness under anesthesia, other things from minutes of 04-23. Also (related to #6) suggests drafting a letter to Anaesthesia in support of James Palmer's coding editorial to send to RCOA. (RCOA has not to date endorsed SNOMED.)

Andrew Norton also to look into anesthesia machine failure.

Patrick McCormick to look into doing requests for case cancelled, POCD, PDNV

4SNOMED Updates

July release closed, have started authoring for January 2018 release.

January will have significant drug/substance remodeling. (see Toni's presentation in 04-23 minutes.)

5Terminology Requests Recent request for preservation free morphine being modeled by Toni
6AQI Outcomes Updates 
7IHTSDO 2017 Meetings Business Meeting, Working Groups and SNOMED CT Expo, Bratislava, Slovak Republic 15-20 October 2017
8Next MeetingPatrick McCormick25 July 2017