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Meeting ID: 613-118-509

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Discussion items

1ApologiesPatrick McCormick

noted above

2Minutes of January CallPatrick McCormick 
3Matters arising from the minutes

Item 8 - old toxic reaction to local anesthetic during labour, delivery, puerperium to be retired Monica Harry

Item 7 - AQI outcome terms. A call had been held on 16th March where progress to date was reviewed and the areas for discussion and new term development at the April SNOMED International Business meeting were agreed

4SNOMED UpdatesNext public release will be 2017-07-31. SNOMED International has published clinical engagement strategy. Work going on around project management and reporting
5Terminology RequestsAndrew Norton

Clean up work of outstanding terminology requests ongoing. New requests posted to Content Request System. Specific requests discussed included:

Closing old requests around central venous catheter related infections as SNOMED CT content completed.

Inactivation of vital signs and how the issue will be handled in SNOMED CT

Reactivation of request to correct fascia iliaca block

Heart rate from devices to align with ISO11073 and clinical use requirements

new ECG pattern terms aligned to ACC/AHA cardiology data standards and ISO 11073

Anaesthesia machine/anesthesia workstation failure terms

Need for concepts for preservative free morphine preparations for neuraxial block. To be considered in remodelling of product hierarchy

Breathing system disconnections

The Anesthesia SIG needs to revisit guidance for modelling of assessment scales as there are a number of old uncompleted terminology requests in this area.

6Terminology request - hypothermia due to anaesthesiaMonica HarryMalignant hypothermia due to anesthesia not a recognised concept (except possibly with Prader Willi syndrome) - generally a typographical error for hyperthermia. Existing 51223008 seems erroneous. Group agreed that hypothermia due to anesthesia due to anesthetic 269287005 is outdated and inevitably hypothermia following surgery is multifactorial - requires new terminology to recognise unplanned perioperative hypothermia that distinguishes from planned induced hypothermia e.g. in cardiopulmonary bypass - see post below for additional information
7HL7 UpdatesMartin Hurrell

Martin Hurrell reported on progress to align anesthesia SIG efforts with FHIR resources to support persistent document definitions, messaging and noted this was the main focus of HL7 efforts. Problem that many FHIR templates are embryonic as regards development and functionality and their use cases sometimes differ from anesthetic requirements.We could either approach the relevant work groups or develop detailed profiles meeting our needs and seek support for doing work in refining models and templates. Martin demonstrated detailed use case for regional block as a model that incorporates FHIR categories and procedures that provide a great deal of detail (some of which may be removed or constrained), but the model provides a basis for demonstrating detailed SNOMED CT terminology binding would could be brought back to the Anesthesia SIG for approval. Example templates could be produced for an airway insertion, nervous system block and vascular line insertion to test the robustness of the model. Andrew Norton and Martin Hurrell will try to arrange a meeting to take this forward.

8AQI Outcomes

user-d48df reviewed progress and the recent call of project group members on 16th March. Areas were new terms are required have been identified and will form the basis for work at the SNOMED International Business meeting in London. This work will be timed for the afternoon sessions in the UK to enable teleconferencing with the US team members at a reasonable time of day.

9IHTSDO 2017 Meetings

SNOMED International Business Meeting, London 23-26th April 2017

Business Meeting, Working Groups and SNOMED CT Expo, Bratislava, Slovak Republic 15-20 October 2017

10Next MeetingPatrick McCormick

F2F in London on Sunday, 23 April 2017 at 9-12pm BST, then 1330-1700; Monday 24 April 2017 from 1330-1700.

NOTE: Sunday meetings are in the Novotel Paddington, Monday-Thursday meetings are in Amba Charing Cross