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GoToMeeting Details


  • Monthly SIG meeting

Discussion items

1DisclosuresScott Campbell
  • None to declare
2Updates to Synoptic Project

Scott Campbell

SC updated the SIG members on the status of colorectal cancer synoptic content developed within the Nebraska Lexicon. Molecular pathology prototype examples were also shared 
3Technology Preview Updates?

Scott CampbellFarzaneh Ashrafi

FA discussed current processes/status of the LOINC/SNOMED CT 
4London Face-to-faceScott Campbell

Large portion of meeting will address synoptic encoding data authored in the Nebraska Lexicon.

DK and SC will discuss combining IPaLM 1/2 day and Observables meeting 1/2 sessions

Secondary agenda item is to offer LOINC/SNOMED CT Tech Preview 

Scott Campbell
5UK UpdatesDeborah DrakeDD updated group on UK activities in pathology/histology mapping older SNOMED versions to CT. 
6Vice-chair CallScott CampbellSC solicited input on vice chair candidates. AC has issued a call via list serves, and DD will inquire at Royal College, etc for candidates 

Meeting Files

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