1 | Discuss vice-chair role | Scott Campbell | - This topic was briefly discussed, but no significant actions or comment
2 | LOINC preview discussion | Scott Campbell | - The topic of the technology preview was discussed. In particular, SS and FA were asked to identify particular elements of the technology preview that would benefit from IPaLM comment during the London business meeting.
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3 | London face to face | Scott Campbell | - The topics of the London face-to-face were previewed and appear to have consensus agreement to proceed. Namely, an in-depth review of the cancer synoptic observable entities and value sets for colorectal cancer authored in the Nebraska Lexicon with be reviewed by the IPaLM and Observables WG. In addition, molecular pathology synoptic observable entities and underlying thought processes by Jim Campbell and SC will be discussed.
An overview of the current Nebraska Lexicon efforts were discussed during the call. - The second agenda item for the f2f meeting is to review aspects of the technology preview that SS and FA have identified for IPaLM comment.
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4 | Next conference call | Scott Campbell | The next IPaLM SIG call will take place on March 15 at 20:00 UTC. Same go to meeting information | |