


  • Monthly Meeting
  • Review and advise on working subgroup document

Discussion items

2Conflict of InterestScott Campbell  
3Cancer worksheet encoding subgroup scoping documentScott Campbell

Please review document within document section entitled- "Cancer Synoptic Subgroup" 

Scott Campbell presented an overview of the working subgroup work plan as proposed. (See power point in documents/Cancer Encoding Subgroup)

All participants concurred with approach and several volunteered their support. Laszlo Igali will represent the Royal College of Pathologists (RCP), Raj Dash, Alexis Carter (Ihtsdo US), Mary Kennedy represent the College of American Pathologists. Meagan Judge of the Royal College of Pathologists Australasia (RCPA) is soliciting representatives from RCPA and possibly the International Collaboration for Cancer Reporting (ICCR) 

Scott Campbell to create a doodle poll to determine times for the working subgroup to meet.


Scott Campbell and James R. Campbell will develop a formal inception and elaboration document for this effort

Ian Green will communicate subgroup project to Cathy Richardson for instantiation into JIRA and assign to James R. Campbell for tracking.

4New Zealand MeetingScott Campbell

IPaLM members currently planning on attending business meeting and/or Expo in NZ are: Mary Kennedy, Raj Dash, James R. Campbell, Scott Campbell

Meagan Judge will review calendar to see if any RCPA or ICCR members can attend. 

Scott Campbell to forward Expo and business meeting url's to Meagan Judge.

5Other items  

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