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Discussion items

1WelcomeHazel Brear
  • HB welcomed everyone to the meeting.

  • Group informed that the session was being recorded (no objections made)

2Conflicts of InterestHazel Brear 
  • No conflicts of interest declared
Notes and actions from previous meetingHazel Brear
  •  Notes accepted no matters arising.
Future direction of Mapping SIG  Ian Green 

Need to consider the future direction of the Mapping SIG comes as a result of the recent changes to the IHTSDO structure and the change from committees to advisory groups.

 IG gave some background to the current mission of the Mapping SIG, talked about the reasons for considering a change and laid out some proposals to be considered.

The proposals are that the group becomes a sub group of the Editorial Advisory Group with a focus on advising on the quality of existing products, advising of mapping developments and identifying opportunities to advance the mapping profile within the community of practice and beyond. This wouldn’t be limited purely to what we think of as ‘traditional

 Feedback from everyone on the call was that they agree with the proposal and that we would be able to aid implementation and focus on user needs. The feeling is that the group has matured and the changes make a lot of sense.

 Next steps are to formulate a proposal to go to GA/MB to formally dissolve the Mapping SIG and create a new Map Advisory sub-group. It is suggested that timescales would be to aim to go to the April 2016 Business Meeting for approval.

 Ian Green to draft a formal proposal and share with Hazel Brear who will share with the group for comment and further discussion.
Demonstration of new Confluence site Nicola Ingram NI demonstrated the site which is the replacement for Collabnet. (see recording) 
Mapping Servcie Team Report Nicola Ingram 

Exploring the possibility of adding automation to the quality assurance protocols for the mapping process based on results from the algorithmic mapping process (working with BC).

Testing basic editing in the newly developed web based single concept authoring tool which is part of expanding editing skills for the mapping tool which has proved useful with the insights gained and the increased knowledge of SNOMED.

The January 2016 release of the cross-maps was handed over to the technical team on the 18th November 2015 and has been completed to schedule.

Currently undertaking QA of published maps using the review function within the mapping tool.

 NRC Reports (UK)Hazel BrearCurrently working to complete maps to be included in the April 2016 terminology release. Editing freezes on 19th January 2016.  Maps are being aligned to the ICD-10 5th Edition which is to be implemented in the UK on 1st April 2016. UK and IHTSDO have worked collaboratively on the SNOMED CT to ICD-10 maps for the second time (Phase 2 of project). 

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