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 Date: 2022-04-05


0800-1130 UTC

0900 -1230 BST

Zoom Meeting Details

Topic: SNOMED Editorial Advisory Meeting
Time: Apr 5, 2022 09:00 AM London

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Marie-Alexandra Lambot                Cathy Richardson

Julie M. James                                 Jaya Sonavane

Trine Angelskar                                Keng-Ling Wallin

Lotti Barlow                                     Philip Brown

Ian Spiers                                         Anna Rossander

Sarah Warren                                    Nicola Ingram

Mark Banks                                       John Snyder

Suzy Roy                                            STEFAN SCHULZ

Elaine Wooler                                    Marina Zanetti

Yongsheng Gao                                 Alistair Carr

Erica Culp                                           


Meeting Files:

PDF Document Presentation

Meeting minutes:

The call recording is located here.


  • Obtain consensus on agenda items

Discussion items

1Call to order and role call

This meeting is being recorded to ensure that important discussion points are not missed in the minutes.  The recording will be available to the SNOMED International community.  Joining the meeting by accepting the Zoom prompt declares that you have no objection to your comments being recorded


Conflicts of interest and agenda review

3UK NHS Digital announcmentJeremy Rogers

Release of SNOMED Code usage statistics.


UK Primary Care data had been collected 2019-2021 and will be released publicly representing use of SNOMED CT concepts.  A description of the types of data that will be released was presented.  Precision rounded up to the closest 10 for number of uses.

Can be used to guide SNOMED in terms of inactivations and replacements.  Provides analytical support for use of SNOMED CT concepts and relationships amongst them.

3Inactivation of concepts related to legality of abortionJim Case

A request from Argentina to inactivate concepts related to the legality or illegality of "Induced termination of pregnancy" or "abortion" (disorders).  Briefing note attached.



4X (person) vs. X of subject (person)Jim Case

A question from a member country on when to use "X (person)" vs. "X of subject (person)" has exposed issues with determination of equivalence in information models that either split the relationship from the condition vs. using a precoordinated Situation concept to represent the SUBJECT RELATIONSHIP CONTEXT.

3/15/2022 - Update

A report on the use of person concepts as values for the SUBJECT RELATIONSHIP CONTEXT attribute is located at:

  • Are familial relationships Roles or Persons?
  • Given "X of subject" is primarily used as the value for this attribute, should these concepts be moved out from the Person hierarchy into their own "value set"? 
  • Is Person the correct hierarchy for these to be placed?  
  • How do we handle "Fetus of subject" given the sensitivity of some members of having a (person) semantic tag? This is needed when procedures or conditions are performed/recorded in a fetal record as opposed to a maternal record.


"X of person" was introduced to support the SUBJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CONTEXT of Situations.  Monique van Berkumwill look for some history on why they were added. Suggested that the ECE might have some history on these.  Question is whether we need to separate out the relationship values from "persons" as a class?

Background -

The main distinction made in the reference paper is that between an "Entity" and the "Role" played by an Entity.  However, this distinction is not made within the person hierarchy, with << 444148008 |Person in family of subject (person)| primarily representing roles that Person entities play being in the same Person hierarchy. Since the 444148008 |Person in family of subject (person)| is primarily used as values for the SUBJECT RELATIONSHIP CONTEXT attribute, we can question why it is in the Person entity hierarchy.

A question raised by the reference provided is whether a well-established role (e.g. father) can also exist as an entity?  Can a father exist as a standalone entity without the establishment of a relationship to another entity?



Background will be investigated.  The person hierarchy needs some review and rationalization.

Background document posted above.  Will review for next meeting.

5Flavors of NULL; data not recorded, activity not done in Findings HierarchyJim Case

We have received a request for a concept "Patient race not recorded" as a subtype of 312863000|Patient data not recorded (finding)| along with a request to create a new Observable entity and finding value to allow for modeling of concepts related to clinical documentation not being recorded.  


INTERPRETS = Demographic detail (observable entity) as well as subtypes specifying the type of demographic information.

HAS INTERPRETATION = Not documented (qualifier value)

This type of concept appears to be a "reason" for missing data as opposed to a NULL value.  FHIR incorporates these "flavors of NULL" in many of their value sets.

Are these really findings?



6Change to definition of 246454002 |Occurrence (attribute)|Jim Case

The current definition of the Occurrence attribute is:

"This attribute refers to the specific period of life during which a condition first presents. However, conditions may persist beyond the period of life when they first present."

In many cases, the presentation of a condition occurs after the period of life in which it is observed.  This is especially true when there is a continuum of time periods; where it can be determined that a disorder actually began prior to the time in which it is observed.  New additions to the 282032007 |Periods of life (qualifier value)| hierarchy to support maternal pregnancy and fetal development phases warrants a revision of the definition of this attribute.

A proposed new definition for the Occurrence attribute is:

"This attribute refers to the specific period of life determined to be the period of onset of a conditionThis may be prior to the actual initial observation and conditions may persist beyond the period of life when they first present."

This issue arose during a remodeling of Birth trauma, where it can be determined that the trauma occurred prior to or during delivery of the child, but is not necessarily noticed until after complete delivery.



7Moving "at risk" Clinical findings to SituationJim Case

Based on a request from a member country, we seek advice on the potential move of << 281694009 |Finding of at risk (finding)| from the Clinical Findings hierarchy to the Situation hierarchy.


  1. "At risk" is an ambiguous term that could mean either "at low(er) or decreased risk" or "at high(er) or increased risk", although it commonly is used to represent "at increased risk"
  2. Nearly all of the current "At risk (finding)" concepts are primitive and thus difficult to maintain and of limited analytical use
  3. There are a limited number of "At risk (situation)" concepts that are all sufficiently defined using the FINDING CONTEXT = "At risk context (qualifier value)

At risk findings = 254 (5 sufficiently defined, but through multiple primitive parents)

At risk situation = 5

Given the rationale above, it is proposed to inactivate and replace the current finding concepts with new Situation concepts using the terming pattern "At increased risk of X (situation)" based on the change of meaning to be more explicit and the movement to the Situation hierarchy.


  • Should these concepts be simply moved and remodeled (retaining SCTID)?
  • Should these concepts be inactivated and replaced (preferred but potential large impact on users)?
  • If inactivated, which inactivation reason would be used given that the existing terms are ambiguous, but are most frequently used to represent only "increased risk".  It is not necessarily of benefit to add both increased and decreased risk concepts where the latter would not be of much clinical use except in a few cases.




Measurement Findings:

Proposed changes to FSNs

Update on Positive/Negative findings

Paul Amos
  • Proposed changes to FSNs: Please read the attached Briefing before the meeting and if possible return your comments for discussion at the meeting.



  • Update on the Positive/Negative findings with additional examples

9Non-medicinal products/non-therapeutic roles

Proposal for initial phase to remove concepts representing non-medicinal products and non-therapeutic roles from the Substance hierarchy.




11Next meetingEAGTentative: May 25, 2022 10:30 PDT