1 | Welcome | | - Attendees list
- Note: Meeting will be recorded for the purpose of creating minutes. The recording will be deleted once the minutes have been approved.
- Recording of meeting from Item 2 uploaded until minutes approved.
2 | Apologies/conflicts of interest | | - Apologies as noted
- Declarations of Interest - nil declared
3 | Administrative | | - Minutes of meetings - attendees to be asked to approve last meeting and this meetings minutes.
- Approval process going forward -recording done for purpose of making minutes.
- CMAG Action List
4 | Inactivation Reports | Cathy Richardson | |
5 | Frequency Data | Cathy Richardson | |
6 | Therapeutic and Diagnostic Procedures | Elaine Wooler | - Presentation to be provided shortly.
- Questions for group:
- The following grouper concepts exist under 362961001 |Procedure by
intent (procedure)|. How useful are these groupers in practice as they do not capture all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and could they be inactivated?- 103693007 |Diagnostic procedure (procedure)| - 764 descendants
- 277132007 |Therapeutic procedure (procedure)| - 2088 descendants
- How useful are the other high level concepts that give little clinical information and have
few or no subtypes. Examples include:- 36219006 |Diagnostic procedure on tibia (procedure)|
- 39550008 |Diagnostic procedure on iris (procedure)|
- Questions from attendees with responses:
- Will concepts be inactivated or more about usage at this point?
- More about usage at this point. Responses will determine next steps.
- Why are there subtypes missing?
- Diagnostic and therapeutic only used in modelling if both exist. So if a procedure is only diagnostic or only therapeutic then it is not modelled with an intent.
7 | Measurement Findings | Paul Amos | |
8 | Any other business | ALL | - Other business?
- No future meetings scheduled at this point in time.
- Will look at the potential to have a meeting at the October business meetings, if required.