
SNOMED International is gathering information from member countries regarding their requirements for concepts to represent additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines in the International Release. At this time, we know that multiple member countries have recently recommended or are considering recommendations for administration of additional doses beyond the original one or two dose regimen that was originally recommended.

In relation to your country would you please advise:

  • Have you added or are you considering adding COVID-19 vaccination concepts representing additional doses to your extension?
  • Are you planing to request the addition of concepts in the International Release or promoting concepts from your national extension to the International Release?
  • Is there any information you would be able to share with us as we attempt to determine what concepts would be useful and how we would term the new concepts?

Page closed. Please submit request or questions as they arise via the usual mechanisms.


Initial Request Date

Requested action




17 August 2021As noted above

Please post your responses in the Country response table below. 

Discussion comments can be made as comments.

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Country response 

US17AUG2021If the third dose/booster is different from the initial doses (e.g., different mRNA to account for the variants), this may warrant a new concept in a drug terminology, such as RxNorm. Otherwise, no new concepts should be created.
BELGIUM23AUG21We've added the vaccin concepts to the Belgian national extension, but as far as I know we do not make a (precoördinated) distinction between a first vaccin and a booster. Also, Belgium is following the WHO guidelines a this moment so giving a thirth dose/booster is not recommended at this point in time.
Canada20210915We do not have requirements for creating additional concepts of that type for now.
New Zealand20211214We are introducing an additional vaccine (third dose) for those who are immunocompromised. Having a way of distinguishing this dose from the usual scheduled doses would be useful
Denmark20220607I DK we use the term revaccination if it is a vaccination with the same content - not booster.

Member countries without a CMAG rep