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Update 25th May: Please see below a revision to the original Briefing Note that proposes changes to primary malignancy and metastatic malignancy in morphologic abnormality and disorder content, also impacting observable entity concepts, following feedback from the Community of Practice, including CMAG. 

Initial summary:

Please see the attached briefing note on planned quality improvements for the hierarchies of 372087000 Primary malignant neoplasm (disorder) and 128462008 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease (disorder).

Please note: Lymphoid and hematopoietic neoplasms are excluded at this stage.

This Member Forum Briefing Note has been posted here as part of a user information and feedback gathering exercise, please share with your domain experts as appropriate, for example, pathologists or oncologists. Also uploaded is a longer draft Briefing Note that was presented to the Editorial Advisory Group on the 23rd February for their discussion and decision making, and contains more background information, explains the reasons behind this work and more fully describes the solution. The project addresses the way we define primary and metastatic in disorders (and certain observable entities) and does not change the morphologic abnormality cell type and behavior (i.e. benign, in-situ, unknown behavior and malignant) which originate from the ICD-O-3 morphology classification. (Note: there are no plans for any neoplastic disorders to change semantic tag from disorder to finding).

All feedback should be sent to Nicki Ingram via by Tuesday 5th April.


Requested action
Response required by:


Review the briefing note and provide any feedback direct to Nicki Ingram.

Relevant documents


Final outcome: 
