Preproduction Release note for international March release: 2.4.2. Revision of Taxonomic Relationship Between 1149322001 |Intoxication (disorder)| and 75478009 |Poisoning (disorder)|Based a query submitted by the Translation Working Group, the SNOMED CT current taxonomic relationship between 1149322001 |Intoxication (disorder)| and 75478009 |Poisoning (disorder)| (the former being a subtype the latter) has been reviewed. While they are related, both are defined as interference in normal bodily functions caused by exposure to a substance. Based on the severity of the consequences, the relationship is really the reverse: an intoxication is a milder reaction to a substance, while poisoning is more severe as noted in the definition. The definition of 1149322001 |Intoxication (disorder)| has been updated to make the distinction between the two concepts more comparable. The current relationship between the two concepts has been reversed. |