Tuesday 19 November 2019, 13 UTC
GoToMeeting Details
- Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld, Jostein Ven, Krista Kart, Maria-Cornelia Wermuth, François Macary, Arnt Ole Ree, Camilla Wiberg Danielsen, Katrien Scheerlinck, Jorn Andre Jorgensen, Ingrid Mertens, Liara Tutina, Jussara Rotzsch, Linda Parisien Emma Hultén, Guillermo Reynoso, Ian Green, Nathalie De Sutter, David Op de Beeck, Linda Parisien Juha Mykkanen Irena Rubešová
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Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
François Macary Could you give another update of the French translation?
François Macary
I will!
Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
Just a reminder: the meeting is starting now!
Emma Hultén
Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
Speaking about that it is hard to see people’s e-mail addresses – I just cannot see yours…
My e-mailadress is anyway: emma.hulten@socialstyrelsen.se
See you!
Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
I know and the weird thing is, I've filled it out allright... Mine is hielkema@nictiz.nl. Everyone, please mail me your email addresses so I can invite you through Outlook!
Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
Dear all, I apologise for the confusion about the times. I spotted too late that I only changed the meeting time in the text of the page, and not in the title... I cannot make it on Friday, but if you have reserved that time in your agenda's, please meet without me and post the meeting notes here.