General discussions

IHTSDO Mapping SIG: How to send feedback on a map (collabnet topic id: topc7572)

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IHTSDO Mapping SIG: How to send feedback on a mapHello Mapping SIG, The IHTSDO Mapping Service Team has received feedback regarding maps completed by the Mapping Service Team. The two projects are the SNOMED CT to ICD-9-CM and SNOMED CT to ICD-10 maps. Attached is a short Jing video that shows how to give feedback from within the tool. If the video doesn't start just by clicking on it, then you may have to save it, and then drag and drop it into the bar where you would normally insert a website address. There will also be a live demonstration of the map feedback process at the next Mapping SIG meeting to be held Monday, 10 August at 19:00 UTC that will allow for any questions you may have. Enjoy the rest of your day!!klillyWed Jul 22 17:15:04 Z 2015forum1364post11360proj1102


IHTSDO MapSIG: Nomination ofr vice chair of IHTSDO Mapping SIG (collabnet topic id: topc5506)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Nomination ofr vice chair of IHTSDO Mapping SIGPlease note that I have today posted a call for nominations for the vice-chair of the mapping SIG on IHTSDO announcements which you can all access Do contact me if you have any questions JanejmillarTue Feb 05 16:29:01 Z 2013forum1347post8010proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: April Meeting (collabnet topic id: topc6609)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: April MeetingHello MapSIG members, The April meeting will be held on Monday, 14 April at 19:00 UTC. The latest minutes of the joint Implementation SIG have been posted in the Documents folder. Per Jim Campbell: notice to all MapSIG attendees - the call this next month will expand to 90 minutes, be a joint call with ImpSIG with the first 60 minutes scheduled for followup to joint call.klillyMon Mar 31 20:24:32 Z 2014forum1347post9782proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: Today's Mapping SIG Meeting (collabnet topic id: topc7010)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Today's Mapping SIG MeetingDear Colleague and fellow Mapping SIG Member We will be holding our August 2014 meeting on Monday 11 August 2014 and would encourage our registered members of the group to join us if they are able. For a long time the focus of our group was the SNOMED CT to ICD-10 map. With this now encompassed under the business as usual umbrella of IHTSDO we are beginning to look at how we as a group can support and advise members, committees, working groups and project groups on mapping matters. We aim to provide a forum to share experiences of mapping and best practices. We have a new set of Terms of Reference which are currently with the Content Committee for review and sign-off and at our next meeting we will be discussing potential agenda items for inclusion at the October face to face meeting. We hope you will be participating in the decision making as well as in the actual sessions in Amsterdam. Yours sincerely Dr James R Campbell MD (Chair) Mapping Special Interest GroupklillyMon Aug 11 18:08:42 Z 2014forum1347post10406proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: I-MAGIC site update (collabnet topic id: topc6524)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: I-MAGIC site updateTthe I-MAGIC demo site is updated to the latest version of the SNOMED CT to ICD-10 map. Access the link here: Feb 26 21:05:10 Z 2014forum1347post9661proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: I-MAGIC Demo Tool (collabnet topic id: topc5919)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: I-MAGIC Demo ToolThe I-MAGIC demo tool is now updated with the latest map data. You can view the tool at Jun 04 16:35:28 Z 2013forum1347post8623proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: MapSIG agenda for 11--4--2013 (collabnet topic id: topc6228)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: MapSIG agenda for 11/4/2013Agenda and appendix documents have been posted for Monday's call. Please remember with end of daylight savings, we are moving to 2000UTC. Send any additional agenda items to jim CampbelljcampbellThu Oct 31 22:18:02 Z 2013forum1347post9169proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: Upcoming Meeting in Amsterdam (collabnet topic id: topc7220)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Upcoming Meeting in AmsterdamHello Mapping SIG members, We are looking forward to the upcoming face-to-face Mapping SIG meeting to be held in Amsterdam on Monday, 27 October. If anyone who cannot attend but would like to join the Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 sessions via GoToMeeting, please email me at by Tuesday, 14 October. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you at the IHTSDO conference! Krista Lilly Mapping SIGklillyTue Oct 07 12:00:02 Z 2014forum1347post10667proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: December Mapping SIG Meeting (collabnet topic id: topc7307)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: December Mapping SIG Meeting1. Please join my meeting, Dec 8, 2014 at 20:00 UTC. 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Denmark: +45 (0) 89 88 03 61 Australia: +61 2 8355 1034 Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 1036 Belgium: +32 (0) 28 08 9460 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9372 Finland: +358 (0) 942 45 0382 France: +33 (0) 170 950 586 Germany: +49 (0) 692 5736 7207 Ireland: +353 (0) 15 255 598 Italy: +39 0 694 80 31 28 Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 212 New Zealand: +64 (0) 4 974 7243 Norway: +47 23 96 01 18 Spain: +34 932 20 0506 Sweden: +46 (0) 840 839 467 Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0824 78 United Kingdom: +44 (0) 330 221 0097 United States: +1 (626) 521-0013 Access Code: 685-801-021 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 685-801-021 GoToMeeting® Online Meetings Made Easy® Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad®, Android® or Windows Phone® device via the GoToMeeting app.klillyMon Dec 01 14:32:32 Z 2014forum1347post10825proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: Invitation to Join Implementation SIG meeting (collabnet topic id: topc6273)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Invitation to Join Implementation SIG meetingHello Mapping SIG members: The Implementation SIG has invited us to join their meeting held Tuesday, 26th November, 2013 @ 21:00 - 22:30 UTC . An agenda item will address the alignment of MapSIG and Implementation SIG initiatives with an introductory discussion around allergies. Please join us with the GoToMeeting link below, Krista Lilly Meeting Details: GoTo meeting link: Goto Meeting ID: 497-913-957 Audio: GoToMeeting's dial-in or built-in audio facilities Audio Facilities: Please see details at: Nov 25 21:38:52 Z 2013forum1347post9246proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: Nominations for Vice-Chair IHTSDO Mapping SIG (collabnet topic id: topc6640)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Nominations for Vice-Chair IHTSDO Mapping SIGNominations are invited at this time for the role of vice-chair of the IHTSDO Mapping Special Interest Group (SIG). Updated Terms of Reference are being completed at this time, but the focus of the group is to provide an international platform for the sharing of experience and expertise in mapping between SNOMED CT and other clinical terminologies and classifications. The post of Vice-Chair of the Mapping SIG is normally 2 years, becoming Chair of the SIG for a further two year period. Thus the overall term of office can be up to four years. However, the initial period as Vice-Chair may be shortened if the term of office of the current Chair ends during that period. This approach of subsequently becoming Chair is to ensure succession planning. While serving in this role, the elected Vice-Chair is expected to attend Mapping SIG meetings and assist the Chair in all aspects of the Mapping SIG work, in liaison with the IHTSDO. Work will be undertaken through regular phone conferences and the IHTSDO Business Meeting in October each year, if a face-to-face meeting is required. The Vice-Chair should also be willing to assume the responsibilities of the Chair when the Chair is unavailable. Nominations, using the form attached, should be sent to Fleur McBriar at by Friday, 25th April 2014 23:00 UTC. If there are a number of candidates, a process of election will take place and decisions signed off by the Technical Committee. The successful candidate is expected to start immediately. The IHTSDO Conflict of Interest Policy (referred to in the nomination form) can be viewed at: Apr 11 12:46:38 Z 2014forum1347post9829proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: June Map SIG Meeting (collabnet topic id: topc6826)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: June Map SIG MeetingThe June Map SIG meeting will be held Monday, 9 June 2014 at 19:00 UTC. 1. Please join my meeting, Monday, June 09, 2014 at 19:00 UTC. Jun 09 13:41:39 Z 2014forum1347post10163proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: GoToMeeting for Mapping SIG call 4 November 2013 (collabnet topic id: topc6236)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: GoToMeeting for Mapping SIG call 4 November 2013The IHTSDO has migrated to a newer version of GoTOMeeting over the weekend which may have affected the information for the call today distributed by Jim Campbell. To ensure the meeitng can go ahead smoothly, please use the following GoToMeeting along with dial in numbers for those who require them: 1. Please join my meeting. 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Denmark: +45 (0) 69 91 89 28 Australia: +61 2 8355 1020 Belgium: +32 (0) 28 08 4368 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9353 Hong Kong (toll-free): 30713169 Israel (toll-free): 1 809 212 875 Malaysia (toll-free): 1 800 81 6851 Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 219 Singapore (toll-free): 800 101 2992 Spain: +34 911 82 9906 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 500 186 United Kingdom: +44 20 7151 1853 United States: +1 (224) 649-0001 Uruguay (toll-free): 000 413 598 4110 Meeting ID: 557-736-213 Jane Millar ( Nov 04 12:57:19 Z 2013forum1347post9178proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: New Mapping SIG vice chair (collabnet topic id: topc6846)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: New Mapping SIG vice chairThe IHTSDO is pleased to announce that the IHTSDO Management Board has unanimously accepted the recommendation of the Content Committee that Hazel Brear be appointed vice-chair of the Mapping SIG. Hazel will serve in this role working alongside the Chair, Dr Jim Campbell, until February 2015 when she will become Chair. Welcome Hazel and thank you for taking on this important role Jane Millar Head of Collaboration, IHTSDOjmillarThu Jun 19 19:54:57 Z 2014forum1347post10190proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: Joint Meeting with Implementation SIG (collabnet topic id: topc6408)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Joint Meeting with Implementation SIGThere will be a joint meeting with the Implementation SIG on Tuesday, 28 January 2014, from 21:00 UTC to 22:30 UTC. The discussion will center on paralleled objectives especially concerning the use of allergies in SNOMED CT. 1. Please join my meeting, Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 21:00 UTC. 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Denmark: +45 (0) 89 88 05 39 Australia: +61 2 8355 1039 Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 2172 Belgium: +32 (0) 42 68 0180 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9379 Denmark (toll-free): 8090 1927 Finland: +358 (0) 931 58 4588 France: +33 (0) 170 950 589 Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6929 Ireland: +353 (0) 19 036 187 Italy: +39 0 294 75 15 37 Netherlands: +31 (0) 108 080 116 New Zealand: +64 (0) 9 801 0294 Norway: +47 21 51 81 86 Spain: +34 911 23 4248 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 500 516 Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0824 41 United Kingdom: +44 20 3657 6779 United States: +1 (213) 493-0015 Access Code: 155-338-173 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 155-338-173 GoToMeeting® Online Meetings Made Easy® Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad® or Android® device via the GoToMeeting app.klillyTue Jan 28 13:25:04 Z 2014forum1347post9479proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: RFP for Map specialists now published (collabnet topic id: topc2823)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: RFP for Map specialists now publishedThe RFP for the 2 map specialists has now been posted on the IHTSDO website. You can see it by folowing this link: Feb 17 10:00:38 Z 2011forum1347post3762proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: GoToMeeting details for 27 October Amsterdam Mapping SIG meeting (collabnet topic id: topc7241)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: GoToMeeting details for 27 October Amsterdam Mapping SIG meeting1. If you are unable to attend the face-to-face Mapping SIG meeting in Amsterdam, then please join the meeting, Oct 27, 2014 at 9:00 AM Amsterdam local time or 8:00 AM UTC via 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 1047 Australia: +61 2 8355 1020 Belgium: +32 (0) 28 08 4368 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9353 Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0167 13 Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6903 Denmark: +45 (0) 69 91 89 28 Denmark (toll-free): 8090 1924 Spain: +34 911 82 9906 Finland: +358 (0) 942 59 7850 United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 7151 1853 Ireland: +353 (0) 19 030 010 Italy: +39 0 247 92 13 01 Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 219 Norway: +47 75 80 32 07 New Zealand: +64 (0) 9 280 6302 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 500 186 United States: +1 (224) 649-0001 France: +33 (0) 170 950 594 Access Code: 662-651-965 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 662-651-965 GoToMeeting® Online Meetings Made Easy® Not at your computer? Click the link to join this meeting from your iPhone®, iPad®, Android® or Windows Phone® device via the GoToMeeting app.klillyTue Oct 14 12:36:40 Z 2014forum1347post10702proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: Update from HL7 Working Group Meeting in Phoenix... (collabnet topic id: topc6716)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Update from HL7 Working Group Meeting in Phoenix...Patient Care got the new project scope statement approved by the Steering Division. However, it was decided that we don't need to continue on that route. The question was raised of how HL7 enables/facilitates sharing of materials containing IP for collaboration with related parties, and it was agreed that a policy is needed around this. Concerning the IHTSDO's Mapping and Implementation SIG's particular situation, it was agreed that it made sense to go ahead and share the relevant materials, even as the new policy is being developed. So it looks like we're good to go ahead with this. Here is the Domain Analysis Model (the link and the document itself). - from Rob HausamklillyMon May 12 13:18:01 Z 2014forum1347post9940proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: Call for Nominations: Vice-Chair of the IHTSDO Mapping SIG (collabnet topic id: topc7343)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Call for Nominations: Vice-Chair of the IHTSDO Mapping SIGNominations are invited at this time for the role of Vice-Chair of the IHTSDO Mapping Special Interest Group (SIG). The SIG provides an international platform for the sharing of experience and expertise in mapping between SNOMED CT and other clinical terminologies and classifications. The post of Vice-Chair of the IHTSDO Mapping SIG is for two years, after which the Vice-Chair will become Chair of the SIG for a further two-year period. Thus the overall term of office is four years. This approach is to ensure succession planning. These are interesting times for the Mapping SIG with a lot of activity in the Mapping area internationally and within IHTSDO, and the members provide an independent and international user perspective to IHTSDO’s different work items. While serving in this role, the elected Vice-Chair is expected to attend Mapping SIG meetings and assist the Chair in all aspects of the SIG’s work, in liaison with the IHTSDO. Activity is undertaken through regular phone conferences and the annual IHTSDO Business Meeting in October, if a face-to-face meeting is required. The Vice-Chair should also be willing to assume the responsibilities of Chair if the Chair is not available. Nominations, using the form attached, should be sent to Fleur McBriar at by Thursday 22nd January 2015 (by 23:00 UTC). (Note: Please do NOT reply directly to this email). If there are a number of candidates, a process of election will take place and decisions reviewed by the Content Committee before sign-off by the IHTSDO Management Board. The successful candidate is expected to start immediately. Official policy information about the Appointment of Leadership of IHTSDO’s Working Groups is attached. The IHTSDO Conflict of Interest Policy (referred to in the nomination form) can be viewed at: Jan 06 10:22:41 Z 2015forum1347post10882proj1102

IHTSDO MapSIG: Updated GoToMeeting (collabnet topic id: topc7283)

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IHTSDO MapSIG: Updated GoToMeetingDue to technical difficulties, please see the updated meeting details: 1. Go to 2. Enter this meeting ID: 304-235-733klillyMon Nov 10 19:55:45 Z 2014forum1347post10765proj1102