Location: Amba Hotel, Canterbury Room
London local time: Wednesday 11th April 09:00-12:30 (break 10:30-11:00)
Meeting in UTC time: Wednesday 11th April 08:00-11:30 (break 09:30-10:00)
Meeting details: https://snomed.zoom.us/j/231295710
Meeting Details: https://snomed.zoom.us/j/231295710
Information on using Zoom: Starting with ZOOM
Meeting recording advice:
Please note the recording has a lot of echo present so it while it will be uploaded the notes for this meeting will be made in a bit more depth to assist those who weren't present. This update to the notes is underway and should be complete by Tuesday 24th April. Advice will be sent via a blog post when finalised. Sorry for the delay.
- Cathy Richardson - present
- Elaine Wooler - present
- Olivier Bodenreider - present
- Elze de Groot - present
- Linda Parisien - present
- Jostein Ven - not present
- Johannes Gnaegi - not present
- Camilla Wiberg Danielsen - present
- Theresa Barry - present
- Jim Case (part of meeting)
- Donna Morgan - present
- Nicola Ingram - present
- Mohd Kamarulariffin Kamarudin - present
Unable to attend
- Page will be updated with summary notes from meeting.
- Please see recording for full details.
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