1 | Welcome | Cathy Richardson | | |
2 | Apologies/conflicts of interest | | - Apologies as noted
- Conflicts
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3 | Administrative | | - Minutes of meetings
- Approval of Sept 2017 to Jan 2018 minutes
- Documents (TOR, Self evaluation and 2018 work plan) submitted for sign off.
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4 | Action List | Cathy Richardson | | |
5 | SNOMED CT Extensions Practical Guide | | - LBI briefed the group on the document. Review planned to start in approximately 2 weeks with the review period about 4 weeks in length. Review comments preferred via the 'Feedback' button at the bottom of each page. Guide for review can be found at http://snomed.org/extpg.
- CRI will set a task up for group members and provide the link to the document.
6 | Member Forum update | | - Last Meeting 22 Jan 2018, update provided by Elaine Wooler.
- Please see recording for the update.
- Translation guidance material needs updating. Information for sharing on this topic is being sought.
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7 | QA - Pattern analysis | | - Standing item
- Internal sub group meeting last week to discuss the QA strategy cleanup plan. Development is still in progress. Awareness other issues may be uncovered which may require adjustments to plan.
- Content team survey on key areas for clean up. Results showed Clinical Finding - hierarchy as the main area.
- All patterns (not just patterns 4 and 5) now planned for clean up. Will start in a few weeks. Batch work will be done later- after batch functionality ready.
- Areas of content will be frozen for short periods to support this. Expect this to be iterative.
- Communications for externals to be planned with regular updates to provide early visibility to members.
8 | EAG decisions - User impact | | - Standing item
- No current items requiring CMAG input at this point in time.
9 | Disorder without disorder concepts - feedback on EAG discussion | | |
10 | Member pre-release process work item | | |
11 | Extension Content Development | | |
12 | April face to face meeting | | |
13 | Member Content Collaboration Space | ALL | |
14 | Any other business | ALL | - Next meeting March 13th 2018 2000UTC
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John Fountain
Minutes look OK to me.
Paul Amos
i am content with the minutes as recorded above.