
April 20, 2016


  • Provide a platform for sharing experiences and expertise of linkage and mapping activities

  • Support the work of the IHTSDO Mapping Service Team

Discussion items

1Welcome, introductions and conflicts of interestHazel Brear
  • Recording underway

2New map tooling enhancements

Brian Carlsen

Kathy Giannangelo

 Report of the enhancements which have been applied to the IHTSDO mapping tool. 
Exploring automated methods of mapping SNOMED CT to ICD-10-PCS Kin-Wah FungPresentation of work being carried out by the ICD-10-PCS project group, exploring some automated ways to map from SNOMED CT to ICD-10-PCS, such as lexical mapping and mapping by SNOMED CT attributes. Kin-Wah Fung will report back to the group
Overview of collaboration activities

Jane Millar

 Jane gave the group a report on the different streams of collaborative work that the IHTSDO are involved in. 

IHTSDO Mapping Service Team Quality Report and plans for 2016

Kathy Giannangelo

 Deferred until the next Mapping SIG meeting as we ran out of time. 
6 Request to publish document: Semantic Interoperation and Electronic Health Records:Context Sensitive Mapping from SNOMED CT to ICD-10James R. Campbell  James R. Campbell
 UK and IHTSDO Collaboration Report


Kathy Giannangelo

Hazel Brear

 Report on the purpose, benefits and outcome of the collaboration between the two mapping teams for the mapping of SNOMED CT to ICD-10 
Users of IHTSDO Maps 

Kathy Giannangelo

Natasha Krul


 Kathy asked the group if they are using the SNOMED CT to ICD-10 map and if so how are they being used.

Natasha gave a presentation to the group on how they are using the SNOMED CT to ICD-10 map in the Netherlands.

Challenges of mapping Orphanet content from SNOMED CT

Donna Morgan


 We ran out of time to allow a detailed exploration of this topic but 

Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation AgendaMappingSIG.pptx Updated agenda 2016-Apr-19 by Hazel Brear
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow MapSIG 20 April MST 2015 Quality Report.ppt 2016-Apr-20 by Kathy Giannangelo
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SNOMEDCTtoICD10mapinTheNetherlands.pptx Presentation from Netherlands on the use of the IHTSDO map 2016-Apr-20 by Hazel Brear
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation MappingSIGClosingPlenary.pptx Mapping SIG Closing Plenary slide 2016-Apr-20 by Hazel Brear
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow IHTSDO and UK Clinical Coding Service Collaborative Mapping.ppt 2016-Apr-20 by Kathy Giannangelo


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