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This page has been set up to support awareness of the work planned for these concepts. 


After a review there has been a decision that O/E and C/O content is to remain in the International Edition (given it is used by two countries) with the content to potentially be managed by use of a module. Module work is still be undertaken so timing on time work is yet to be planned.

There is the a plan to check for the base concept to ensure it exists. Work on this is yet to be planned. 

Note: CMAG meeting 18 October 2017 next steps up for discussion. Outcome to be noted here after meeting.  

Final Outcome:

O/E and C/O concepts in the International Edition will be inactivated. Prior to this occurring a check for the 'base' concept will be undertaken. The timing of this is yet to be determined. Input from CMAG  representatives is required in relation to the timing e.g. the UK require this to be undertaken after April 2018 given user requirements. 

CTR-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Requested action
Response required by:
18 October 2017
  • Advice on timing (given user requirements) of inactivation of On examination and Complaining of Clinical Finding concepts
Given country input to date, this is requested only from New Zealand and new CMAG members, not involved in previous discussions. The UK response has been provided (April 2018) and other countries not listed here have not expressed any requirements in the previous discussions or CMAG meeting 18th October 2017.

Meetings topic discussed in:

2016-02-09 - CMAG meeting

2016-07-12 - CMAG Meeting

2016-08-09 - CMAG Meeting

2017-10-18 - CMAG Meeting Face to face in Bratislava Slovakia

JIRA links:

IHTSDO-852 - Getting issue details... STATUS

IHTSDO-433 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PCP-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS

PCP-115 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Relevant documents

No files shared here yet.

Country response 




Member countries without a CMAG rep