1 | Welcome | | - Attendees list
- Note: Meeting will be recorded for the purpose of creating minutes. The recording will be deleted once the minutes have been approved.
- Recording of meeting will be available online until minutes approved.
2 | Administration | | - Apologies
- Declarations of Interest
- For current meeting
- CMAG members to review and update as required their DOI information.
- Please advise the date the review was undertaken
- Action items
| |
3 | CMAG contributions in 2023 | | - Acknowledgement of CMAG 2023 contributions - as per slide deck
4 | IHTSDO Content Tracker Update | | - Update on work on the content trackers - as per slide deck
5 | Content Promotion | | - Review of content promotion process - as per slide deck
Meeting question on points of contact - names can't be provided but the website does provide contact details. |
6 | Content questions and issues | | - How to raise:
- Modelling questions
- A content issue that's been identified
- Questions for other CMAG members
- How SNOMED International manages questions and issues
See slide deck - no questions or comments. |
7 | Issue Feedback and Updates | Group | - Responses to SNOMED International from the CMAG members
- Updates on issue resolution
Discussion notes: - July-August period for Northern hemisphere
- Issues come up month to month so can't preplan to send earlier.
- Members need extra time due to holiday period especially when seeking input from clinicians, external groups etc.
- Timelines for feedback during this period will be extended to the end of September. If additional time is needed please let SNOMED International know.
- No comments on needing further updates on the outcome of issues.
8 | National content development discussion | | - Interest in sharing information on national content development activities
- Interest in sharing content resources
Discussion: - Interest on sharing national content development activities
- Past work that has been done as well as future work would be worth sharing information on. May:
- Help identify gaps in content that are relevant to more than one country
- Content that one country has that is useful to others
- Prevent duplication of content
- Standing item to be added to meeting agendas to support this.
- Discussion section on CMAG site can also be used
- Question on what is meant by resources
- It's up to the group on what resources they would be interested in
- Copyright issues are a challenge - could use discussion pages to ask if other's know who owns an item e.g. a scale
9 | Terms of Reference discussion | Group | - CMAG purpose: Provide an avenue for National Content Extension Managers to collaborate on content focused topics relevant to national extensions and SNOMED International
- CMAG scope:
- Development of material that supports national and international interests in content extension management.
- Creation of task and finish subgroups to support progression of identified work items.
Discussion: - The sharing of content development activities aligns with the purpose.
- Ethnic and racial topic - Potential for CMAG input?
- International changes impact on national extensions
- Implementation aspect needs to be directed to implementation support. Content perspective can be covered in the CMAG.
- Extension impact report is very helpful in identifying content impacted by changes.
- ECL queries which are present in some briefing notes are useful to identify national content that will be impacted by the changes.
- There is some high level AL2 content that may assist here as a starting point. Will be shared with the group.
- Cathy Richardson will add a discussion question to assist identification of a topic the group would like to explore together.
| - Ian Spiers to share relevant information from the AL2 course on change management of content.
10 | 2024 Work plan | Group | - Discussion on 2024 CMAG activities
- Topics discussed during the meeting will looked at for potential new CMAG work items.
11 | Any other business | ALL | |
12 | Next meeting | Cathy Richardson | - January 2024 - date and time to be confirmed
Camilla Wiberg Danielsen
Hi Cathy,
Unfortunately, the DK NRC will not be able to attend this meeting eventhough we can see that the content is partly on our request. We will listen to recording afterwards
Best wishes,
Louise and Camilla
Cathy Richardson
Thank you for letting me know. Cathy.
Cathy Richardson
Hi all,
In relation to the question on content change management please see the following materials:
Cathy Richardson
Minutes review request: No feedback received.
Cathy Richardson
In relation to item 9 above, SNOMED International education video Introduction to Extension Maintenance: