1 | Welcome | Cathy Richardson | |
2 | Apologies/conflicts of interest | | - Apologies as noted
- Declarations of interest -nil new declarations advised.
3 | Administrative | | |
4 | Action List | Cathy Richardson | |
5 | Member Forum update | | - Report- see comments below.
6 | Quality Initiative | Lesley MacNeil | |
7 | Review of Administrative Content | | - Discussed.
- Several responses provided.
- Extension on first round of review made any other's who wish to provide feedback
- Due date Monday 18th February.
- 2019 Administrative Content work
8 | NMO and “Other” ethnic non-mixed concepts | Monica Harry | - Please see attached briefing note and recording for more information
- Group advised of planned. Topic discussed.
- Some countries do not use ethnic concepts for historical reasons.
9 | SNOMED content derived from ICD 9 and READ codes | | - SNOMED content derived from ICD 9 and READ codes
- Presentation provided (see link above to access) and discussed by group.
- Netherlands identifying a number of issues e.g. duplicates, questions on meaning but given numbers and SLA cap unable to submit given higher priority requests.
- Netherlands looking to contact NRC's re the READ code and ICD9 concepts where meaning is unclear.
- Sheree Hemingway offered to be a point of contact re READ codes.
- Olivier Bodenreider - will provide a point of contact for the ICD9 concepts.
- With ICD-9: looking at ICD-10 and ICD-11 is also a way to manage this.
- Group discussed larger issue of reporting issues with content e.g. duplicates, errors. Reporting option desired by group members with recognition that these issues may need to sit on hold given other priorities such as the Quality Initiative work. With reporting, it would be preferred if there was an option to see if the issue had already been reported.
10 | April meeting | Group | - Agenda planning 2019-04-10 - CMAG Meeting Face to Face in London, England
- Need to finalise agenda shortly. Please advise Cathy Richardson and Monica Harry if you have topics that you wish to see added.
- National extension drug model raised as a potential topic - see comments below.
- Group advised National drug extension model doesn't include vaccines and at the international level, that model work has been deferred for this release.
- Drugs a specialised area of content.
- Documentation is quite detailed in regards to the model.
- In knowing the above, if this group still wishes this topic to be still be added to the agenda please let Cathy Richardson and Monica Harry know, as how to progress this will need to be discussed with Lesley MacNeil and Toni Morrison
- Meeting: Wednesday 10th April 0900-1230 UTC
- Waldorf Hilton Hotel, London: Mackenzie Room
- Dial in facilities available
- Information
11 | Any other business | ALL | - Daniel Karlsson provided an update on the Observables work. Please see the recording.
- Next meeting Tuesday 12th March 2019 at 2000UTC
Linda Parisien
Hi Cathy,
I will not be able to join the call today, but I'd like to provide the group with some update from the MF held on Jan31.
The briefing note on the "NMO and “Other” ethnic non-mixed (NMO)" was presented at the last Member Forum meeting, and I see that the briefing note that will be presented today has been partially modified to reflect some of the discussion we have had:
Another topic that was presented, and I don't see on today's agenda is the "BN Approach to Releasing Derivatives", presented by Jane Millar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RDabl5NzPl3qdSEUjj4P3aGHfYCWt9WN/view
The SI proposal is to update and publish once a year most of the subsets they published.
Here are some of the comments provided at the MF:
Has SI envisaged to create Query refset for these subsets? So implementers that have adopted these subsets, can run their updates when core version is updated. The maintenance of subsets based on filters is way more effective and sustainable than a manual kind of maintenance.
Has SI envisaged that someone else than SI could maintain the subsets?
There will soon be a requirement for increasing the releases… even going to continuous publication or out of cycle releases only when there are changes. Should SI provide the subsets more as a service so MF can help themselves?
Linda Parisien
I'd like to know if members of this AG would be interested to discuss the finalised proposed National Extension Drug Model for member countries at the April session?
In Canada, we are interested in enhancing our Vaccine Model and we want to comply/use the International Guidelines, but we also want to make sure that all relevant components will be available to the countries that will want to extend from core. We'd also want to know where is the immunization focus in the Drug Project.
Here is the referenced document: SNOMED CT Drug Model for supporting National Extension V1.0.pdf
Here is the Confluence Reference Documentation - Medicinal Product Model Page, for additional information.
Thank you!
Olivier Bodenreider
For questions about ICD9-CM, NLM recommends you contact Donna Pickett from the National Center for Heath Statistics (NCHS), part of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).
Donna Pickett, RHA, MPH
Medical Systems Administrator Classifications & Public Health Data Standards Staff
Office of the Director
National Center for Health Statistics, CDC
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, MD 20782-2002
Phone: 301-458-4434
Email: dfp4@cdc.gov