Goals for project

  • Identify those which are internationally interoperable; recognising each country has a different approach i.e. may be lexically same but potential different semantics,
  • Establish which is the correct format - consider translation
  • Create a policy which applies to these and future requests for new content in this area
  • Decide which are realm specific and return to National extension

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mWfR4crPukxWPNkq__jarIPl2qtgjRhcS1bmL9P7omY/edit?usp=sharing

First stage review: Referral and registration

Deadline - January 31st, 2019

3 areas have been prioritised for review:

  • Tab: Administrative status - 309012006 |Referral statuses (finding)| and subtypes
  • Tab: Administrative status - 307827002 |Registration status (finding)| and subtypes
  • Tab: Administrative procedures - 3457005 |Patient referral (procedure)| and subtypes

In the spreadsheet, please answer these questions for each:

  • Do you have a use case?
  • Can you provide a definition?
  • Which is correct grammatical format/tense e.g. "referred to" or "referral to" - establish most appropriate and internationally applicable.
  • Provide any other information which may be of use. "



Requested action


Response required by:


14 December 2018As noted above

Second stage review: Referral and registration

Deadline - April 2nd, 2019

3 areas have been prioritised for review: Areas To be advised

  • Tab: Administrative status 
  • Tab: Administrative status 
  • Tab: Administrative procedures

In the spreadsheet, please answer these questions for each:

  • Do you have a use case?
  • Can you provide a definition?
  • Which is correct grammatical format/tense e.g. "referred to" or "referral to" - establish most appropriate and internationally applicable.
  • Provide any other information which may be of use. "



Requested action


Response required by:


12 March 2019As noted above and discussed on the CMAG call 12 March 2019

Sub Hierarchy
Overlaps with other content
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