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Activities of everyday life – this term is used in the following concepts
284545001 |Ability to perform activities of everyday life (observable entity)|
365031000 |Finding related to ability to perform activities of everyday life (finding)|
129025006 |Activity of daily living (observable entity)| | - in the synonym Activities of everyday life.
Searches on that term bring up sites relating to ADL’s. That phrasing is not used. I expect the concepts and synonym need inactivation. Prior to undertaking this action please advise if this is a term used in your country to represent ADL’s.
Comments from CRG call: Potential for these phases (includes Personal activities of daily living - use and meaning ) to be used by other specialities e.g. OT's. Will ask. We do look at sites for other specialties.
Many of these were related to the modelling of the activities of daily living in UK extension content in the years before much of it became assimilated into the International edition. If I recall correctly much of the modelling was discarded on transfer in RF1 days (at the UK request to create new IDs). At this point a lot of that a lot of the structure and meaning was lost other than the concept itself. Jane Miller led a piece of work on ADLs which had Nursing, OT and Physio input. Many of the actors have moved to new roles or retired or both, however there were many pieces of useful analysis in the Nursing CRG/SIG archives from my time as Chair/Co-chair. Most of the analysis work was completed by resource for authoring was not available at the time. There may be some new requirements but the main things to achieve was the move from various international extensions to the international edition and updating modelling to reflect the agreed pattern. It was agreed at the time that proprietary terminologies would not be used directly but that where conceptual gaps were identified they conceptually would be represented in the multidisplinary approach that SNOMED CT preferred (certainly at that point). If Michael Bond or myself can be of assistance, let us know. The AHPs in the UK did have a very organised and forward looking approach to SNOMED CT, far further than Nursing, although this is catching up. However the UK professional bodies did have active engagement with the NHS England terminology and clinical people. Much of this may need a commissioning/contracting basis as most of those people are now outside the government funded work now, due to a much slimmed down centre.
Getting issue details...STATUS
- tracker set up to improve the subsumption of ADL observable content. This will include management (inactivation) of 'Activities of everyday life' content. Need to be logged in to view.
Cathy Richardson
Comments from CRG call: Potential for these phases (includes Personal activities of daily living - use and meaning ) to be used by other specialities e.g. OT's. Will ask. We do look at sites for other specialties.
Zac Whitewood-Moores
Many of these were related to the modelling of the activities of daily living in UK extension content in the years before much of it became assimilated into the International edition. If I recall correctly much of the modelling was discarded on transfer in RF1 days (at the UK request to create new IDs). At this point a lot of that a lot of the structure and meaning was lost other than the concept itself. Jane Miller led a piece of work on ADLs which had Nursing, OT and Physio input. Many of the actors have moved to new roles or retired or both, however there were many pieces of useful analysis in the Nursing CRG/SIG archives from my time as Chair/Co-chair. Most of the analysis work was completed by resource for authoring was not available at the time. There may be some new requirements but the main things to achieve was the move from various international extensions to the international edition and updating modelling to reflect the agreed pattern. It was agreed at the time that proprietary terminologies would not be used directly but that where conceptual gaps were identified they conceptually would be represented in the multidisplinary approach that SNOMED CT preferred (certainly at that point). If Michael Bond or myself can be of assistance, let us know. The AHPs in the UK did have a very organised and forward looking approach to SNOMED CT, far further than Nursing, although this is catching up. However the UK professional bodies did have active engagement with the NHS England terminology and clinical people. Much of this may need a commissioning/contracting basis as most of those people are now outside the government funded work now, due to a much slimmed down centre.
Cathy Richardson
IHTSDO-1280 - Getting issue details... STATUS - tracker set up to improve the subsumption of ADL observable content. This will include management (inactivation) of 'Activities of everyday life' content. Need to be logged in to view.
Francisco Jose Rodriguez Alcazar
Cathy Richardson The problem is solved and I can respond to your topics again.