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We have received a customer request for a new clinical speciality concept - Maternal and obstetric nursing (qualifier value). We are seeking input from the Nursing CRG members on whether this is a nursing speciality that is recognised internationally.
Thank you.
But there are also specialty areas based of extra training/knowledge the nurse has obtained in order to work in that location of nursing (e.g. Critical Care, Preoperative, Intraoperative, Postoperative phases of care, Emergency Room, Trauma etc.). Organizational Affiliates | American Nurses Association (nursingworld.org) - scroll down to list of affiliates and expand.
Thank you Janice for your input. My question to the submitter: what is the difference between maternal and obstetric. I agree a definition would be useful here. Does this nursing specialty as requested include neonates?
There is a robust list of nursing subspecialties in the Occupation hierarchy. Has the submitter specified why this concept needs to be in the qualifier value hierarchy? Currently there are only 2 nursing service concepts in the qualifier value hierarchy.
DCB0028: Treatment Function and Main Specialty Standard - NHS Digital this is the current standard for Treatment function and Specialties in England (which influences United Kingdom in general). In general Nursing itself was not formally separated as relatively few nurses here practice entirely independently. I am now retired from NHS Digital who manage this Standard.
Francisco Jose Rodriguez Alcazar
good morning
I have reviewed the Spanish version and compared it with the international one.
I leave you the comparison in case it helps.
All the best
Erica Culp
Thanks so much Francisco!
If you have more comments regarding these concepts, I just posted a Blog with a link to gather all of our comments
Thanks again,
Janice Kelly
Was a definition for this specialty provided? Is it a specialty of nursing because of special knowledge, a practice area, certification etc.?
In the US we have a list of specialty areas based off certification opportunities: Complete List of Common Nursing Certifications 2022 | Nurse.org
But there are also specialty areas based of extra training/knowledge the nurse has obtained in order to work in that location of nursing (e.g. Critical Care, Preoperative, Intraoperative, Postoperative phases of care, Emergency Room, Trauma etc.). Organizational Affiliates | American Nurses Association (nursingworld.org) - scroll down to list of affiliates and expand.
Janice Kelly
Christine Spisla
Thank you Janice for your input. My question to the submitter: what is the difference between maternal and obstetric. I agree a definition would be useful here. Does this nursing specialty as requested include neonates?
There is a robust list of nursing subspecialties in the Occupation hierarchy. Has the submitter specified why this concept needs to be in the qualifier value hierarchy? Currently there are only 2 nursing service concepts in the qualifier value hierarchy.
Zac Whitewood-Moores
DCB0028: Treatment Function and Main Specialty Standard - NHS Digital this is the current standard for Treatment function and Specialties in England (which influences United Kingdom in general). In general Nursing itself was not formally separated as relatively few nurses here practice entirely independently. I am now retired from NHS Digital who manage this Standard.