SNOMED International has been approached by NANDA International to consider developing a link between SNOMED CT and NANDA.
The Board of NANDA-I wish to explore the options for linking SNOMED CT and NANDA as part of the EHR. SNOMED International has reiterated the need for a solid international Use Case, description of scope and resourcing. NANDA-I are working on this.
As part of the analysis, SNOMED International are seeking information from members of the Nursing CRG views on:
1. whether there is a requirement in their countries for a link between SNOMED CT and NANDA
2. what is the use case for such a linkage
3. timelines for implementation of such a product
I would stress that NANDA-I reached out to SNOMED International and at this point we are gathering information about whether there is a need to put together a proposal for this work to be considered as future work.
Any input you can provide at this time would be helpful - either as part of the discussion thread or directly to me -
Best wishes,
Jane Millar
Collaboration Lead
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Friso Raemaekers
Thank you, Jane for your question.
For the Netherlands it's important to have a connection between the labels of the NANDA-I nursing diagnosis and SNOMED CT. The relational database of the Dutch NNN (NANDA-I, NIC & NOC) - classification is available since 2015 and the number of hospitals and health organisations with an official licence of NNN is increasing. Developments to build NNN in Dutch EHR-systems are ongoing.
About NIC (Nursing Intervention Classification): It is already mapped with the latest 2018-edition, I heard.
The NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classification): some of the labels are mapped with SNOMED CT.
Looking forward to hear the developments in other countries, and working together with everyone to map NANDA-I with SNOMED CT.
Friso Raemaekers
Igor Bossenko
Your Friso Raemaekers works is very interesting for Estonia hospitals. Can you provide some links to relational database with a links between NANDA and SNOMED? May be you have some refsets for sharing?
Dickon Weir-Hughes
Hi Igor: I'm a visiting professor at the Tallinn College of Healthcare and a former NANDA President and now President of NANDA Foundation. I've been teaching NANDA plus Gordon's Functional Health Patterns and associated topics on the MSc programme for a couple of years and my main contacts are Dr. Kristi Rannus and Helen Vaulk but do reach out to me if I can help you. You can reach me at
Best, Dickon
Paula Anderson
Likewise there are sites in the UK utilising NANDA and UCLH are supportive of this
Dickon Weir-Hughes
Great to hear that this is progressing Paula!
Friso Raemaekers
For anyone who is interested:
Here is an (US?) Excel-file the an analysis of Snomed vs. NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification, Edition 2003-2004, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 4th Edition (2004), Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), 3rd Edition, Omaha System (2005), Perioperative Nursing Data Set, 3rd edition (2011) and Clinical Care Classification, 2_5.
Unverified and unknown source. Does anyone know the origin of this file?
Elze de Groot
I would say, from the first tab in the file, every tab is the result of a query in UMLS. The queries are done in 2015. The first tab also shows the queries that are done.
Francisco Jose Rodriguez Alcazar
Hi everyone. i dont know the origin but is a important point for continuing the mapping job.
Jerno Thys
Hi everyone. Belgium is starting with the process of developing a subset of Nursing problems with interventions and outcomes for mapping to SNOMED CT. Recently I took interest in investigating NANDA, NIC, NOC in it's interoperability with SNOMED - CT. Is anyone currently working with these classifications? I saw Mr. Friso Raemaekers 's contribution with the Excel file, is there any update applicable yet? If anyone has experiences with these classifications which may influence our choice of classification is very welcome!
Thank you kindly,
Jerno Thys
Friso Raemaekers
Hi Thys!
In the Netherlands there are now five hospitals doing nursing documentation with NANDA NIC NOC. Two hospitals are going live next few months. They all use the updated relational database with NANDA NIC NOC. This database is available in Dutch (with licenses) by the Dutch publisher BSL/Springer Media.
Best regards,
Jerno Thys
Hello Friso,
That's very interesting, thank you for the update!