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Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group

25 July2022 at 16:30 - 17:30 UTC

Discussion items

1Histology taxonomy

Members on project team for myeloid histologies - Monica de Baca, Hung Luu, (US hematopathologists); Mark Bishton (UK - haematologist); Donna Morgan Nicola Ingram 

  1. Who on SI staff to keep engaged (Nicola Ingram )
  2. Authoring environment access (Scott Campbell to discuss with Rory Davidson )
3IHC Updates - Presence of substanceScott Campbell 

Modeling for presence of substance.   This seems to be set and classified appropriately.  Comments?

*Model appears to be fine.  Reviewed by Suzanne Santamaria .  Use of organ of origin of cancer to be used for prognostic stains.  Diagnostic stains out of scope of CSRWG.  However, model must accommodate diagnostic stains when project progresses.  (For example, use of intracellular regions of staining)

**See attached IHC design document draft .


4IHS - Percent stainingScott Campbell 

Modeling will be similar to image pending addition of new denominator concept

*Waiting for new concepts to be added to advance these concepts

5IHC Intensity of stain

Important, but in how many protocols?  Can this be a primitive concept for now as in example

*Will be primitive until intensity can be defined as a property.

6IHC Control Stain functionScott Campbell Important, but also a primitive.  OK?

7Anitbody usedIs this sufficient detail?

8Additional work items as time allows
  1. Lisbon training - discuss overview if time  

Meeting Files

  File Modified
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-13-14.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-12-44.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-11-56.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_10-47-53.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_10-37-59.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document SBAR_HistologyContent.docx 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-57-30.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-58-39.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217527005.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217526001.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1178984009.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-630001000004109.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Briefing Note Primary and Metastatic Member Forum March 2022 (1).pdf 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Primary and Metastatic draft EAG Briefing Note v1 CMAG (1).pdf 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-56-29.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-34.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-11.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_11-25-50.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-37-22.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-36-24.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-35-11.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9.02.45 AM.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-24-30.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-3-22.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-2-23.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-10_12-42-19.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-7-27_15-22-43.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-4-25.png 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document Immunohistochemistry.docx 2022-Jul-25 by Scott Campbell

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