Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group

14-November 2022 at 15:30 - 16:30 UTC

Discussion items

1Record meetingScott Campbell 


2Closing gaps in content - dysplasia and neoplasia at marginsScott Campbell 
  1. Review content developed

  1. Definitions of high-grade/low-grade glandular dysplasia
  2. Definitions of high-grade/low-grade glandular intraepithelial neoplasia
  3. Definitions of high-grade/low-grade squamous intraepithelial neoplasia
  4. Sample of observable entity concepts created

Observable entity concepts are fine.  Jim Case asked for documentation on the *plasias and High-/Low- grading definitions as supporting documentation for ongoing use

3Histologic patternsScott Campbell Review for acceptabilityGroup agrees with model.  IF these need to be used as clinical findings, then we will need to make these subtypes of Findings values.  For discussion at a later date
4Missing body structures
  1. Example: Lamina propria of esophagus
  2. Areas of invasion; margins

Scott Campbell will put lists of concepts needed together for group review via email.

5Laterality of lymph node stations/need for primary binding?
  1. Esophagus example
Need to continue this topic.  Same to do as item 4.
6Wilms tumor/nephroblastoma NICTIZ
  1. requests from Elze de Groot

Scott Campbell to follow up.  Paul Seegers forwarded protocol

7Other topics
  1. Documents of SNOMED CT terminology binding across major protocol producers

Scott Campbell will forward marked up ICCR, RCPath protocols to team for review of SNOMED CT content bindings.

Discussions on how to sustain/maintain content alignment TBD.

Meeting Files

  File Modified
PNG File image2020-7-27_15-22-43.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-4-25.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document Immunohistochemistry.docx 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-13-14.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-12-44.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_11-11-56.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_10-47-53.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-7-11_10-37-59.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
Microsoft Word Document SBAR_HistologyContent.docx 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-57-30.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-58-39.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217527005.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217526001.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1178984009.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-630001000004109.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Briefing Note Primary and Metastatic Member Forum March 2022 (1).pdf 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Primary and Metastatic draft EAG Briefing Note v1 CMAG (1).pdf 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-56-29.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-34.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-11.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_11-25-50.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-37-22.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-36-24.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-35-11.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9.02.45 AM.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-24-30.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-3-22.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-2-23.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-10_12-42-19.png 2022-Nov-14 by Scott Campbell

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