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Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group

04 April 2022 at 17:30 UTC

Discussion items

1Cancer modeling changes

Any further comments, Nicki?

Not discussed.

2Tumor depositsScott Campbell
  1. Colon/appendix (easier)
  2. Melanoma (satellites) (harder)
  1. Colon - This model holds for colon.  Some discussion of the use of characterizes = metastatic  discontinuous spread, but general agreement reached that this term both suffices and is accurate.

2. Melanoma (microsatellite) - Definition needs to stay primitive as definition of discontinuous spread from one part of the skin to another part of the skin structure AND within 2 cm cannot be modelled with necessary and sufficient conditions


3Tumor bud

Will leave as way to model "cluster of cells at leading edge of invasive component of neoplasm"

  1. Presence of tumor buds - growth process << budding  

    Process could be defined as "budding" and included in the proliferation process qualifiers.  Then this could be considered sufficiently defined.  For now, concept will be left primitive
  2. diagram-1217526001.png

  3. Number of tumor buds.  This concept must be left primitive for now as there is no way to describe a tumor bud which consists of 1-4 cells at the leading edge of the invasive neoplasm.  

4PatternsScott Campbell
  1. How to handle patterns within histologies
    1. Lung (Lepidic, acinar)
    2. DCIS
    3. Bladder (differentiation)
Not discussed
5AJCC update?Any updates that can be shared?Not discussed
6Histology taxonomyInterest in revisiting with pathologistsNot discussed
7Business meetingDiscuss agenda

Meeting Files

  File Modified
PDF File Briefing Note Primary and Metastatic Member Forum March 2022 (1).pdf 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PDF File Primary and Metastatic draft EAG Briefing Note v1 CMAG (1).pdf 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-58-39.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-57-30.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-56-29.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-34.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-2-7_8-55-11.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_11-25-50.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-37-22.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-36-24.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2022-1-24_10-35-11.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 9.02.45 AM.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-24-30.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2021-12-13_9-3-22.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-2-23.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-10_12-42-19.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-7-27_15-22-43.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-4-25.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-630001000004109.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1178984009.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217526001.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell
PNG File diagram-1217527005.png 2022-Apr-04 by Scott Campbell

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