Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group

02 November at 15:30 UTC

Discussion items

1Conflict of Interest
2Margin namingScott Campbell

395550003 |Distance of malignant neoplasm from surgical margin in excised specimen (observable entity)|

384891002 |Distance of malignant neoplasm from closest uninvolved surgical margin in excised specimen (observable entity)|

Use of "closest" and "uninvolved" when discussing closest margin.  Neither word used when discussing margin distance, etc.  when not specific to "closest" concept

Per discussion - "uninvolved" will NOT be included in any of the distance observables.  "Closest" will be included for those concepts specific to "closest margins"


Invasion processes

Confirm invasion process and process output concepts

  1. Process extends to; Process acts on . 
  2. Continuous and discontinuous spread are key differentiators  Maintain this pathway.  Find NCI and other refs for international harmony
    1. Stephan Dubois suggests looking at Lung protocols for directional language/definitions

4Stage modelingScott Campbell

Confirm with Jane Millar about creation of new staging levels

5Colon cancer to RCPA

RCPA requesting colon concepts. Scott Campbell can use some help in collating latest material for Matt Cordell

6Agenda settingScott Campbell

Discuss agenda/priorities:

  1. Concept areas 
  2. New organ systems
  3. How best to get content in hands of interested users

Meeting Files

  File Modified
PNG File image2020-8-10_12-42-19.png 2020-Nov-02 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-7-27_15-22-43.png 2020-Nov-02 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-4-25.png 2020-Nov-02 by Scott Campbell
PNG File image2020-8-24_15-2-23.png 2020-Nov-02 by Scott Campbell

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