Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group

13 July 2020 at 17:00 UTC

Discussion items

1Conflict of Interest
2Cannot be determinedScott CampbellDiscuss issue of Cannot be determined, Indeterminate, and Cannot be assessed

Scott Campbell will work with SEER/NAACCR?CAP to submit concept for submission to US NLM for inclusion in the US extension. Exercise will force documentation of use case by all parties.


Intermediate primitive grouperScott Campbell

Keep or toss?

Jim Case does not see clinical uses for the intermediate primitives as currently defined. Browsing use cases not sufficient for these concepts. In addition, concept aggregation benefit not demonstrated during classification with or without intermediate primitive.

4Esophageal workScott Campbell

Results of treatment extent; intraepithelial neoplasm

Intraepithelial neoplasm discussion postponed.

Presence of tumor treatment effect modeled with Suzanne Santamaria Jim Case Scott Campbell et al. as follows:

5Publication work planScott CampbellBreaking up of tasksNot discussed
6Business meetingScott CampbellPlanning discussion; OHSDI; CAP; NCI; mTuitive; RCPathNot discussed

Meeting Files

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PNG File image2020-7-27_15-22-43.png 2020-Jul-27 by Scott Campbell

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