Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group


22nd, April 2020 at 16:00 UTC

Discussion items



    1. Resolve modeling decision/approach issues.
    2. Discuss/resolve editing and on-going SI authoring...use of Snowstorm and certified authors to limit SI workload issues.
    3. Agree on modeling documentation for ultimate incorporation into the Editorial Guide (where appropriate)

Meeting held on 2020-04-22 and on 2020-04-29
2Review of existing concept modelling decisions and templates as documented by Scott and Jim CampbellScott/Jim Campbell

Topic addressed on 2020-04-22: Discussion concerning tumor extension. Current Nebraska model uses the attribute |Process output| to describe terminus of tumor extension. Consensus of meeting attendees is to create new attribute, |Process target|, specific to this use case to avoid overloading of attribute use. To be coordinated with Observables group.

Primary topic address on 2020-04-29: Observable concepts regarding presence and extent of neoplasm at surgical margin was discussed at length. Modeling change was unanimously agreed upon:

Property = |Presence|

Component = <<|Morphologic abnormality|

Inheres in = <<|Surgical margin (morphologic abnormality)|

Inherent location = <<|Body structure| (organ/body structure of malignant neoplasm|

Direct site = <<|Specimen|

Scale type = Ordinal

Time Aspect = Single point in time

Semantic tag for Surgical margin changed and is now a subtype of  245849007 |Post-surgical anatomy (morphologic abnormality)|

Other items discussed: Genomic naming conventions. For the time being, FSN will be the scientific long name with punctuation removed per editorial policy. PT will use the HGNC short term (e.g. BRAF)

Additional discussion needed for genomics modeling as SI not settled on model, yet.

Need to review modeling for immunohistochemistry in breast cancer. Use of |Component| attribute favored in lieu of existing |Direct site| attribute. FSN may need editing to reflect model better.

Morphologic abnormalities specific to histologic types will not be added unless reviewed by Anatomy Working Group and supported by scientific literature, not necessarily what the "name of the day" is for a particular histologic change as reflected in any one society's synoptic protocols.


Discuss and edit modeling decisions as necessary.  (This will necessarily involve MRCM level discussion0


Scott Campbell to edits Inception and elaboration document for agreed upon modeling changes.

4Agree next stepsScott Campbell

Agreed that group should begin to meet regularly now that multiple sources/parties are engaged and base modeling settled. Scott Campbell has sent Doodle poll to attendees of this meeting for available time slots.


Date of next meeting

TBD - possibly week of 11-May

Meeting Files

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