Welcome to the Nursing Refsets Clinical Project Group space
The SNOMED International Nursing Refsets Clinical Project Group has been established to deliver the following
- Nursing Health Issues Reference Set
- Nursing Activities Reference Set
Project times scales:
- To September 2017 to agree the content of the refsets, QA draft release and handover to the Nursing Editorial Group once released
Group Membership
For details of group members click here
Project Group Calender
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Zac Whitewood-Moores
As these products have now been developed and published , this project group is in the process of being wound up. Thank you for all those who have contributed. Jane Millar and Ian Green are in the process of establishing governance for maintenance and will be making further announcements in due course.
Ian Green
Thank-you to everyone for your contributions to the development of the nursing health issues and nursing activities refsets. We are now in position to close this project group as the development work is complete. We will now be moving to a maintenance schedule, and will be formulating a small editorial group to oversee both products.
We hope you will all continue to participate in SNOMED International activities focused on nursing through the work of the Nursing Clinical Reference group (CRG), where you can share experiences, raise priorities and discuss areas for future work.