We have created a space on Confluence for the Anesthesia SIG that the group will be able to use for collaboration and sharing. This space is currently visible to anyone who visits although only those with accounts will have access to contribute to the space, and contains the documents that were previously on Collabnet.

If you do not already have an account on the IHTSDO Confluence platform, you will have  had an account created with the your respective email accounts and the same USER NAME as your had on Collabnet.

However, you will need to reset the password on the account before being able to log in. Please first go to the Confluence site and reset your password here - https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/forgotuserpassword.action.

You should then receive instructions to the registered email address on how to reset your password. If you do not receive any email, please contact techsupport@ihtsdo.org.  

You will then find the group's space here - https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/ANESTHESIASIG1/