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HPCG HPCG Agenda 2014-08-04 (collabnet topic id: topc6987)

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HPCG HPCG Agenda 2014-08-04Dear HPCG members, In preparation for Monday's meeting, here are two items for review which are on the agenda for discussion. Please review and provide comments at the meeting. Thank you Monica mharryThu Jul 31 11:36:01 Z 2014post10376topc6987
Re: HPCG HPCG Agenda 2014-08-04Monica, I plan on attending the meeting, but will be 20+ minutes late. This got put into my Outlook calendar without adjustment for daylight savings time in the US and I am not sure why. Thus, I had it listed for 10AM. Mark On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 6:36 AM, Monica Harry (ihtsdo staff) < > wrote: > > Dear HPCG members, > > In preparation for Monday's meeting, here are two items for review which > are on the agenda for discussion. Please review and provide comments at the > meeting. > > Thank you > > Monica > > > _______________________________________________ > General Notifications > > mjurkovichMon Aug 04 15:53:55 Z 2014post10386topc6987
Re: HPCG HPCG Agenda 2014-08-04Don't worry we'll look forward to you calling in as soon as you can. Thanks for letting us know. Kathy Farndon Head of Health Information Standards and Lead on Data Stream for 100k Genome Project E-mail:<> Mobile: 07876 851819 EA:<> Tel: 0113 8248048 On 4 Aug 2014, at 16:54, "Mark Jurkovich" <<>> wrote: Warning: This message contains unverified links which may not be safe. You should only click links if you are sure they are from a trusted source. Monica, I plan on attending the meeting, but will be 20+ minutes late. This got put into my Outlook calendar without adjustment for daylight savings time in the US and I am not sure why. Thus, I had it listed for 10AM. Mark On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 6:36 AM, Monica Harry (ihtsdo staff) <<>> wrote: Dear HPCG members, In preparation for Monday's meeting, here are two items for review which are on the agenda for discussion. Please review and provide comments at the meeting. Thank you Monica _______________________________________________ General Notifications ******************************************************************************************************************** This message may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient please inform the sender that you have received the message in error before deleting it. Please do not disclose, copy or distribute information in this e-mail or take any action in reliance on its contents: to do so is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. Thank you for your co-operation. NHSmail is the secure email and directory service available for all NHS staff in England and Scotland NHSmail is approved for exchanging patient data and other sensitive information with NHSmail and GSi recipients NHSmail provides an email address for your career in the NHS and can be accessed anywhere ******************************************************************************************************************** kfarndonMon Aug 04 15:56:05 Z 2014post10387topc6987

HPCG HPCG meeting reminder - May 4th at 20:00 UTC (collabnet topic id: topc7476)

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HPCG HPCG meeting reminder - May 4th at 20:00 UTCDear Healthcare professionals, Please forward agenda items for discussion at the upcoming meeting, to Jane Millar. Also, please prepare two slides with brief updates from your SIG activities as an aid to reporting to the group. all the best Monica mharryMon Apr 27 12:45:04 Z 2015post11164topc7476

HPCG SIG introductory information template (collabnet topic id: topc7492)

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HPCG SIG introductory information templateDear HPCG members, Please complete by June 8th as discussed on our call earlier this week; I have created a "TEXT" word template which you can review and amend specific to your area of interest. This is based on the publication created by the Nursing SIG - thank you Susan! Please add the pertinent details and any other information you deem helpful and relevant i.e. encourage participation in the SIG. PLEASE UPLOAD YOUR DRAFT AMENDED VERSION TO THE FOLDER I HAVE CREATED ON COLLABNET HERE: I have also attached the final nursing SIG version so you get the sense of the final product. Please let me know if you have any questions. thank you Monica mharryFri May 08 12:40:12 Z 2015post11195topc7492
Re: HPCG SIG introductory information templateHello all, Just a gentle reminder to please read over the template and edit according to your professional domain and send them to me as early as possible and no later than June 8th. There is not a lot of content required just some examples and specifics about the work the SIG carries out plus the goals and objectives. I am attaching the generic template here for your convenience; have also attached the Nursing copy again so you see can see how it will appear in the final version. Please let me know if you have any questions. best wishes MonicamharryThu May 21 15:10:26 Z 2015post11239topc7492
Re: HPCG SIG introductory information templateHi Monica, Here is a draft for the Dentistry SIG. Let me know if I have followed the format and provided the information requested. Thanks. Mark On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Monica Harry (ihtsdo staff) <> wrote: > > Hello all, > > Just a gentle reminder to please read over the template and edit > according to your professional domain and send them to me as early as > possible and no later than June 8th. There is not a lot of content required > just some examples and specifics about the work the SIG carries out plus > the goals and objectives. > > I am attaching the generic template here for your convenience; have also > attached the Nursing copy again so you see can see how it will appear in > the final version. > > Please let me know if you have any questions. > > best wishes > > Monica > _______________________________________________ > General Notifications > > mjurkovichThu May 28 19:51:55 Z 2015post11255topc7492
Re: HPCG SIG introductory information templateSorry about the mis-directed message. I apologize and have now forwarded it correctly to Monica. Mark Jurkovich On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Monica Harry (ihtsdo staff) <> wrote: > > Hello all, > > Just a gentle reminder to please read over the template and edit > according to your professional domain and send them to me as early as > possible and no later than June 8th. There is not a lot of content required > just some examples and specifics about the work the SIG carries out plus > the goals and objectives. > > I am attaching the generic template here for your convenience; have also > attached the Nursing copy again so you see can see how it will appear in > the final version. > > Please let me know if you have any questions. > > best wishes > > Monica > _______________________________________________ > General Notifications > > mjurkovichThu May 28 19:55:53 Z 2015post11256topc7492
RE: HPCG SIG introductory information templateHi Monica, Here is the document for the IPaLM SIG W. Scott Campbell, MBA, PhD Assistant Professor Director of Public Health Laboratory Informatics and Pathology Laboratory Informatics Department of Pathology/Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center 985900 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha NE 68198-5900 402-559-9593 (office) 402-350-7851 (mobile) ====Privacy Statement==== ATTENTION: This electronic document may contain confidential information and is intended for use by the addressee and/or their intended representative only. Review by unintended individuals is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, transmit, copy, disclose, store or utilize this communication in any manner. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete this message from your computer. Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Monica Harry (ihtsdo staff) [] Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 10:10 AM To: hpcg-healthcare_professionals_sig_coo Subject: Re: HPCG SIG introductory information template Hello all, Just a gentle reminder to please read over the template and edit according to your professional domain and send them to me as early as possible and no later than June 8th. There is not a lot of content required just some examples and specifics about the work the SIG carries out plus the goals and objectives. I am attaching the generic template here for your convenience; have also attached the Nursing copy again so you see can see how it will appear in the final version. Please let me know if you have any questions. best wishes Monica _______________________________________________ General Notifications The information in this e-mail may be privileged and confidential, intended only for the use of the addressee(s) above. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of this information is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please delete it and immediately contact the sender. wscampbellFri Jun 05 21:54:22 Z 2015post11282topc7492

HPCG GO TO Meeting Monday August 4th at 16:00 UTC (collabnet topic id: topc6988)

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HPCG GO TO Meeting Monday August 4th at 16:00 UTCMonday August 4th at 16:00 UTC HPCG 1. Please join my meeting. 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Australia: +61 2 8355 1039 Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 2172 Belgium: +32 (0) 42 68 0180 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9379 Denmark (Toll-free): 8090 1927 Denmark: +45 (0) 89 88 05 39 Finland: +358 (0) 931 58 4588 France: +33 (0) 170 950 589 Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6929 Ireland: +353 (0) 19 036 187 Italy: +39 0 294 75 15 37 Netherlands: +31 (0) 108 080 116 New Zealand: +64 (0) 9 801 0294 Norway: +47 21 51 81 86 Spain: +34 911 23 4248 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 500 516 Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0824 41 United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3657 6779 United States: +1 (213) 493-0015 Access Code: 913-359-669 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID:913-359-669 Regards Monica mharryThu Jul 31 11:46:17 Z 2014post10377topc6988

HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agenda (collabnet topic id: topc7404)

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HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agenda Dear HPCG members, For your review, please find the agenda for Monday's meeting attached herewith. May I ask you to please provide an update of activities for your SIG by way of 2 slides with brief points and send these to me by Friday Feb. 27th. Thank you in advance. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. best wishes MonicamharryTue Feb 24 17:25:53 Z 2015post11011topc7404
Re: HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agendaMonica, Sorry was away at the end of last week and didn't get this done. Hope this is OK for this evening's meeting Speak to you later Best wishes Andrew ----Original Message---- From: Date: 24/02/2015 17:25 To: "hpcg-healthcare_professionals_sig_coo"<> Subj: HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agenda Dear HPCG members, For your review, please find the agenda for Monday's meeting attached herewith. May I ask you to please provide an update of activities for your SIG by way of 2 slides with brief points and send these to me by Friday Feb. 27th. Thank you in advance. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. best wishes Monica _______________________________________________ General Notifications anortonMon Mar 02 17:50:16 Z 2015post11021topc7404
Re: HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agendaI have a conflict and will not be able to attend. Sincerely, Alexis On Mar 2, 2015, at 12:50 PM, "<>" <<>> wrote: Monica, Sorry was away at the end of last week and didn't get this done. Hope this is OK for this evening's meeting Speak to you later Best wishes Andrew ----Original Message---- From:<> Date: 24/02/2015 17:25 To: "hpcg-healthcare_professionals_sig_coo"<<>> Subj: HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agenda Dear HPCG members, For your review, please find the agenda for Monday's meeting attached herewith. May I ask you to please provide an update of activities for your SIG by way of 2 slides with brief points and send these to me by Friday Feb. 27th. Thank you in advance. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. best wishes Monica _______________________________________________ General Notifications <Anesthesia SIG 2nd March 2015 HPCG.pptx> ________________________________ This e-mail message (including any attachments) is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender by reply e-mail message and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). acarterMon Mar 02 19:09:22 Z 2015post11023topc7404
RE: HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agendaJust a quick update on the IPaLM SIG activities...I think that Scott will be present and can elaborate in my absence: * LOINC preview and providing subject matter expertise for mapping when needed * Providing input on sample observables for IHTSDO Sincerely, Alexis Alexis B. Carter, MD, FCAP, FASCP Director of Pathology Informatics • WORK: (404) 712-7911 • FAX: (404) 712-4271 Emory University Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Pager 13734 •<> This e-mail (including attachments) may contain confidential and privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this message (including any attachments) is strictly prohibited. If received in error, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of the original message (including attachments). ________________________________ From: Carter, Alexis B Sent: Monday, March 02, 2015 2:09 PM To: <> Subject: Re: HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agenda I have a conflict and will not be able to attend. Sincerely, Alexis On Mar 2, 2015, at 12:50 PM, "<>" <<>> wrote: Monica, Sorry was away at the end of last week and didn't get this done. Hope this is OK for this evening's meeting Speak to you later Best wishes Andrew ----Original Message---- From:<> Date: 24/02/2015 17:25 To: "hpcg-healthcare_professionals_sig_coo"<<>> Subj: HPCG Monday March 2nd 20:00 UTC agenda Dear HPCG members, For your review, please find the agenda for Monday's meeting attached herewith. May I ask you to please provide an update of activities for your SIG by way of 2 slides with brief points and send these to me by Friday Feb. 27th. Thank you in advance. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. best wishes Monica _______________________________________________ General Notifications <Anesthesia SIG 2nd March 2015 HPCG.pptx> acarterMon Mar 02 19:44:55 Z 2015post11024topc7404

HPCG HPCG agenda posted (collabnet topic id: topc7482)

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HPCG HPCG agenda postedHi all, I have posted the agenda here: Please send me your 2 slides asap and I will post here as well. Thank you MonicamharryWed Apr 29 18:14:21 Z 2015post11178topc7482

HPCG HPCG meeting minutes 20150302 (collabnet topic id: topc7407)

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HPCG HPCG meeting minutes 20150302I have posted the minutes of yesterday's meeting on the collabnet site and attached here for your convenience. Please take a few minutes to review. Please let me know of any errors or omissions. Thank you Monica mharryTue Mar 03 13:33:55 Z 2015post11026topc7407


HPCG Re SIG membership and agendas (collabnet topic id: topc7338)

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HPCG Re SIG membership and agendasAn item for discussion at meeting of HPCG on 5th January is how do we encourage membership of the professional SIGs - something a number of you have raised. Based on discussions with you individually and thoughts as I reviewed the Terms of Reference, I have a couple of points which relate to process which may contribute to helping encourage membership whcih I wanted to share ahead of the meeting. 1. A published schedule of meeting on project home page 2. A number of 'standard' agenda items: - Editing update (from liaison editor) - IHTSDO updates - other related standards work - related activity in individual countries (which will help with identifying requirements coming down the track) Hope this will kick off a good discussion on Monday JanejmillarWed Dec 31 15:09:51 Z 2014post10873topc7338
RE: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendasHi Jane, Can you forward the call-in information for the HPCG meeting today? Thanks, W. Scott Campbell, MBA, PhD Assistant Professor Director of Public Health Laboratory Informatics and Pathology Laboratory Informatics Department of Pathology/Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center 985900 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha NE 68198-5900 402-559-9593 (office) 402-350-7851 (mobile) ====Privacy Statement==== ATTENTION: This electronic document may contain confidential information and is intended for use by the addressee and/or their intended representative only. Review by unintended individuals is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, transmit, copy, disclose, store or utilize this communication in any manner. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete this message from your computer. Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Jane Millar (IHTSDO staff) [] Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 9:10 AM To: hpcgdisc-healthcare_professionals_sig_coo Subject: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendas An item for discussion at meeting of HPCG on 5th January is how do we encourage membership of the professional SIGs - something a number of you have raised. Based on discussions with you individually and thoughts as I reviewed the Terms of Reference, I have a couple of points which relate to process which may contribute to helping encourage membership whcih I wanted to share ahead of the meeting. 1. A published schedule of meeting on project home page 2. A number of 'standard' agenda items: - Editing update (from liaison editor) - IHTSDO updates - other related standards work - related activity in individual countries (which will help with identifying requirements coming down the track) Hope this will kick off a good discussion on Monday Jane _______________________________________________ Group Discussion The information in this e-mail may be privileged and confidential, intended only for the use of the addressee(s) above. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of this information is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please delete it and immediately contact the sender. wscampbellMon Jan 05 15:08:17 Z 2015post10878topc7338
RE: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendasHi Walter They are on the agenda Let me know if you cannot see them Jane -----Original Message----- From: Campbell, Walter S [] Sent: 05 January 2015 15:08 To: Subject: RE: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendas Hi Jane, Can you forward the call-in information for the HPCG meeting today? Thanks, W. Scott Campbell, MBA, PhD Assistant Professor Director of Public Health Laboratory Informatics and Pathology Laboratory Informatics Department of Pathology/Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center 985900 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha NE 68198-5900 402-559-9593 (office) 402-350-7851 (mobile) ====Privacy Statement==== ATTENTION: This electronic document may contain confidential information and is intended for use by the addressee and/or their intended representative only. Review by unintended individuals is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, transmit, copy, disclose, store or utilize this communication in any manner. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete this message from your computer. Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Jane Millar (IHTSDO staff) [] Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 9:10 AM To: hpcgdisc-healthcare_professionals_sig_coo Subject: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendas An item for discussion at meeting of HPCG on 5th January is how do we encourage membership of the professional SIGs - something a number of you have raised. Based on discussions with you individually and thoughts as I reviewed the Terms of Reference, I have a couple of points which relate to process which may contribute to helping encourage membership whcih I wanted to share ahead of the meeting. 1. A published schedule of meeting on project home page 2. A number of 'standard' agenda items: - Editing update (from liaison editor) - IHTSDO updates - other related standards work - related activity in individual countries (which will help with identifying requirements coming down the track) Hope this will kick off a good discussion on Monday Jane _______________________________________________ Group Discussion The information in this e-mail may be privileged and confidential, intended only for the use of the addressee(s) above. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of this information is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please delete it and immediately contact the sender. _______________________________________________ Group Discussion jmillarMon Jan 05 15:42:52 Z 2015post10879topc7338
RE: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendasHi Jane, I found it! Thanks, W. Scott Campbell, MBA, PhD Assistant Professor Director of Public Health Laboratory Informatics and Pathology Laboratory Informatics Department of Pathology/Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center 985900 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha NE  68198-5900 402-559-9593 (office) 402-350-7851 (mobile) ====Privacy Statement==== ATTENTION: This electronic document may contain confidential information and is intended for use by the addressee and/or their intended representative only. Review by unintended individuals is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, transmit, copy, disclose, store or utilize this communication in any manner. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete this message from your computer. Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Jane Millar [] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 9:43 AM To: Subject: RE: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendas Hi Walter They are on the agenda Let me know if you cannot see them Jane -----Original Message----- From: Campbell, Walter S [] Sent: 05 January 2015 15:08 To: Subject: RE: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendas Hi Jane, Can you forward the call-in information for the HPCG meeting today? Thanks, W. Scott Campbell, MBA, PhD Assistant Professor Director of Public Health Laboratory Informatics and Pathology Laboratory Informatics Department of Pathology/Microbiology University of Nebraska Medical Center 985900 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha NE 68198-5900 402-559-9593 (office) 402-350-7851 (mobile) ====Privacy Statement==== ATTENTION: This electronic document may contain confidential information and is intended for use by the addressee and/or their intended representative only. Review by unintended individuals is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, transmit, copy, disclose, store or utilize this communication in any manner. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete this message from your computer. Thank you. -----Original Message----- From: Jane Millar (IHTSDO staff) [] Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 9:10 AM To: hpcgdisc-healthcare_professionals_sig_coo Subject: HPCG Re SIG membership and agendas An item for discussion at meeting of HPCG on 5th January is how do we encourage membership of the professional SIGs - something a number of you have raised. Based on discussions with you individually and thoughts as I reviewed the Terms of Reference, I have a couple of points which relate to process which may contribute to helping encourage membership whcih I wanted to share ahead of the meeting. 1. A published schedule of meeting on project home page 2. A number of 'standard' agenda items: - Editing update (from liaison editor) - IHTSDO updates - other related standards work - related activity in individual countries (which will help with identifying requirements coming down the track) Hope this will kick off a good discussion on Monday Jane _______________________________________________ Group Discussion The information in this e-mail may be privileged and confidential, intended only for the use of the addressee(s) above. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of this information is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please delete it and immediately contact the sender. _______________________________________________ Group Discussion _______________________________________________ Group Discussion wscampbellMon Jan 05 15:52:51 Z 2015post10880topc7338

HPCG Criteria for creating an IHTSDO Special Interest Group (collabnet topic id: topc6642)

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HPCG Criteria for creating an IHTSDO Special Interest GroupWe want to progress drafting the criteria for forming an IHTSDO SIG before our next meeting in June. I am attaching the slides we prepared for the call this week which did not happen. Please could you provide any comments by Friday 25th April so that I can move this forward. Send them directly to Jane at or put them on them in this discussion area. I am also happy to discuss with anyone when we are in Copenhagen JanejmillarFri Apr 11 21:24:05 Z 2014post9834topc6642
Re: HPCG Criteria for creating an IHTSDO Special Interest GroupJane - comments as promised. Slide 2 -1.a: Ideally a professional SIG would be recognised by specialty representative bodies in one or more IHTSDO charter member countries as providing domain expert interest for that specialty Slide 2- 2.a Perhaps we need to clarify that a professional SIG may be active in defining terminology or defining subject matter for which terminology is required or should possibly be modified, - routes by which this may be moderated for SNOMED CT are covered in point 2.b Slide 2 - 2. You might wish to consider whether a professional SIG might have a role in reviewing domain terminology requests arising from other areas, charter members or professional bodies where it could be reasonably considered that the professional SIG would provide the domain expert knowledge for that area. Slide 2 Function SIG's - I presume these would be meant for issues such as observables and substance heirarchy redesign? Slide 3 points 1&2. It seems reasonable to try and address some areas by task and finish groups - an orthopaedic example I can think of that applies to bothOPCS and SNOMED CT is current terminology for arthroplasty of many joints - probably better addressed in a task and finish group if one could be established rather than a more open ended SIG Slide 3 point 3- As you have no doubt realised a major difficulty is getting the relevant professional input. Something that might help as regards the UK is the formation of the Professional Records Standard Body in the UK, managed by the Royal College of Physicians, but has many professional bodies in the UK as members and is supported by the Health and Social Care Information Centre and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Slide 4 - point 6 - I think this is one of the major reasons for seeking recognition and support from professional bodies within members of IHTSDOanortonSat Apr 19 21:07:11 Z 2014post9867topc6642

HPCG RE HPCG presentation in SNOMED CT Expo 2015 (collabnet topic id: topc7597)

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HPCG RE HPCG presentation in SNOMED CT Expo 2015HI everyone Following up on the HPCG call in July, Zac and Andrew worked together to produce a draft abstract for the SNOMED CT Expo 2015 - many thanks We have worked today on the next version and would appreciate your feedback by Wednesday 19 August end of day so that I can submit on Thursday. Please check that you are happy with the title of the session, currently proposed as ‘Clinical input to SNOMED CT’. Given that the purpose of the abstract is to attract people to the session, feel free to add any key words etc or amend the language to be more exciting! Also, I would ask at this time for key bullets of information which you think we should cover in the session so that we can draw it in to an outline ready for the HPCG meeting in September – please add comments or feedback on the abstract on this discussion forum so that others can review Many thanks, look forward to hearing from you Jane jmillarMon Aug 17 11:26:27 Z 2015post11404topc7597

HPCG HPCG draft abstract (collabnet topic id: topc7598)

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HPCG HPCG draft abstractApologies, here is the draft abstract for comment as per other discussion point JanejmillarMon Aug 17 11:28:05 Z 2015post11405topc7598