March 6th, 2017, 20:00 UTC
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March 6th, 2017, 20:00 UTC
Item | Description | Time | Owner | Action |
1 |
| 5 min | Chair | Ian Green welcomed everyone as Kathy Farndon is in transit and may not be able to logon. Agenda review done. |
2 | Conflicts of Interest | 1 min | Chair | None declared. |
3 | Minutes of last meeting 3.1. Approval of minutes of last meeting and actions not on the agenda | 5 min | Chair | Minutes approved with no changes required. |
4 | IHTSDO updates:
4.1. Content 4.2. Collaboration
| 10 min | MHA/IGR | Discussion around LOINC content and overlap with NPU (Nomenclature, Properties and Units) coding system related to global application of LOINC. |
5 | Report from the Professional SIGs 6.1. Nursing 6.2. Dentistry 6.3. Anesthesia 6.4. IPaLM 6.5. GP/FP | 15 min | SIG Chair | See attached slides:
6 | Engaging with global clinical communities - update | 5 min | IGR | Deferred. |
7 | Update on Genomics | 20 min | IGR | First meeting of new genomics group will be in April in London. Experts from different countries. IGR discussed possible approaches to Genomics and planning. However, it is noted that Genomics is changing all the time so it is hard to know at this time what to tackle first. |
7 | Any other business |
| Chair | None raised. |
8 | Date of next meeting – TBD
| Chair | Tuesday April 25th, Room: CANTERBURY 17:15- 19:15 Local time, Ambra Hotel, London Face to face |
Title | Creator | Modified |
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