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Welcome to the Nursing Derivatives Editorial Group space

This editorial group has been established to provide clinical expert advice on maintenance and future updates to the following SNOMED International products:

  • Nursing Health Issues refset
  • Nursing activités refset

Members of this group have been identified from the group that undertook development work on both products, and will work closely with SNOMED International to ensure timely and relevant releases of both products based on the biannual releases of SNOMED CT in January and July of each year.

The group will consult the Nursing Clinical Reference Group (CRG) where issues arise that require a broader community discussion.

Meeting schedule


Web conferencing details

For details on available options for web conferencing using Zoom click here

The Nursing Group has a dedicated Zoom account

The link provides a Zoom discussion forum, which doesn't require a chair/lead person, but provides access to a discussion space. All the functionality is still available, video, scene share. The only limitation is that currently it is not possible to record the calls. If this is required, please contact a member of the SNOMED International staff.


Discussion summary

Question 0 Discussions 2 Reply 1 Contributor 1

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