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I have a project to look at the "regime/therapy" concepts under 239516002|Monitoring procedure (regime/therapy). Many of these look like they could be Process observables, I have looked at the Observables project but haven't found a definitive definition. If these would fit the observables model I can propose this in our document but I just don't know enough right now. The very definition of "Monitoring" seems to include observation. I'm including a few examples, any thoughts are appreciated.

170599006 24 hr blood pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
386506007 Acid-base balance monitoring (regime/therapy)
284019003 Airway pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
14603002 Apnea monitor surveillance (regime/therapy)
77938009 Arterial pressure monitoring, invasive method (regime/therapy)
17146006 Arterial pressure monitoring, non-invasive method (regime/therapy)
134377004 Atrial fibrillation monitoring (regime/therapy)
170818005 B12 deficiency monitoring (regime/therapy)
698472009 Blood glucose monitoring (regime/therapy)
135840009 Blood pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
182805002 Cardiac output monitoring (regime/therapy)
422952004 Cardiac telemetry (regime/therapy)
63818009 Cardiotachometer monitoring (regime/therapy)
47101004 Cardiotachometry (regime/therapy)
387672006 Cardiotochogram (regime/therapy)
284037002 Fresh gas oxygen concentration monitoring (regime/therapy)
707202005 Monitoring of blood loss per vagina (regime/therapy)
304495004 Monitoring of blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate (regime/therapy)
59092003 Monitoring of cardiac ventricular pressure (regime/therapy)
12065009 Monitoring of coronary blood flow (regime/therapy)
707204006 Monitoring of discharge per vagina (regime/therapy)
707203000 Monitoring of drainage of amniotic fluid per vagina (regime/therapy)
50072001 Monitoring of pulse (regime/therapy)
53617003 Monitoring of respiration (regime/therapy)
698931001 Monitoring of stoma output (regime/therapy)
304494000 Monitoring of temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate (regime/therapy)
710988007 Monitoring of tissue perfusion (regime/therapy)
707260000 Monitoring of venous pressure (regime/therapy)
710994004 Monitoring pedal pulse (regime/therapy)
401004000 Peak expiratory flow rate monitoring (regime/therapy)
401011001 Peak expiratory flow rate monitoring using diary (regime/therapy)
284027007 Peripheral temperature monitoring (regime/therapy)
24599003 Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
42340005 Pulmonary artery wedge pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
284034009 Pulse oximetry monitoring (regime/therapy)
37707006 Radionuclide study of coronary blood flow (regime/therapy)
398289009 Ratio of fourth twitch to first twitch monitoring (regime/therapy)
415722005 Tidal volume monitoring (regime/therapy)

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