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We would like to know if "anatomical site" is an accepted property?

LOINC manual defines this property as following:

"To accommodate the special dimensions of clinical observations we have introduced new options for the kind of Property. The new kinds of Property are what you might expect from the new kinds of dimensions being measured (e.g., resistance, voltage, work per beat):
Anat: Anatomic is a special case of Prid that identifies anatomic sites."


33725-3Tumor siteTumor siteAnatPtSpecimenNom
33733-7Sites of distant metastasisSites of distant metastasisAnatPtSpecimenNar
84880-4Position of rectal tumor in relation to anterior peritoneal reflection [Anatomy] in TumorPosition of rectal tumor in relation to anterior peritoneal reflectionAnatPtTumorNom
84897-8Dominant nodule quadrant [Anatomy] in Prostate tumorDominant nodule quadrantAnatPtProstate tumorNom
84898-6Dominant nodule plane [Anatomy] in Prostate tumorDominant nodule planeAnatPtProstate tumorNom
84900-0Other nodule quadrant [Anatomy] in Prostate tumorOther nodule quadrantAnatPtProstate tumorNom
84901-8Other nodule plane [Anatomy] in Prostate tumorOther nodule planeAnatPtProstate tumorNom
84902-6Extraprostatic extension site [Anatomy] of Prostate tumorExtraprostatic extension siteAnatPtProstate tumorNom



CC: Suzanne Santamaria

Contributors (4)