Documentation on the ICD-O mapping project.
Meeting Notes
Computing Scope
Use the attached transitive_closure.pl script. The file icdoScope.txt is attached (1558 entries). A file of those unmapped codes is also attached.
cd Snapshot/Refset/Map grep 446608001 *Simple* | grep '/' | perl -ne '@_=split/\t/; print if $_[2];' | cut -f 6 | sort -u -o icdo.txt ./transitive_closure.pl ../../Terminology/*_Relationships*txt out.txt sort -t\ -k 1,1 -o out.txt out.txt join -j 1 -o 2.2. icdo.txt out.txt > scope.txt sort -u -o icdoScope.txt scope.txt icdo.txt /bin/rm f icdo.txt out.txt scope.txt
Production Deployment
- Load the ICDO-3-1 data
- Load the prior version ICDO map (as starting point)
- Create and configure the project (with scope definition based on icdoScope.txt "plus descendants".
- Use "REVIEW" workflow
- Configure Nicki/Donna as users
- Add basic productivity reports.
- Compute workfow
- Q: should we create a "published" project to represent last release state?
Publishing ICD-O
- Initial files for ICDO load can be found in https://uat-mapping.ihtsdotools.org/doc/ICDO.zip