Hi All,
As a follow up to our DEUSG meeting last week please use this discussion thread for any feedback on an different strength representations being used in the drug model.
Presentation is attached to bottom of meeting notes here: https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/USRG/2025-03-13%3A+Virtual https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/display/USRG/2025-03-13%3A+Virtual
Thanks to Australia for the feedback and presentation.
Hi All,
As a follow up to our DEUSG meeting last week please use this discussion thread for any feedback on an additional 'BoSS Clinical Drug' concept potentially being added to the drug model.
Presentation on slide 22 here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uuxCV5yL1goTI03tRlPkSXErNJAJN_zK/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uuxCV5yL1goTI03tRlPkSXErNJAJN_zK/view and link to meeting recording here: 2025-02-20: Virtual - User Support Reference Group - SNOMED Confluence https://confluence
Hi All,
As a follow up to our DEUSG meeting last week please use this discussion thread for any feedback on additional attributes being added to the MRCM for use in national drug extensions.
Presentation here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mA4JuuPY7-QEHDOUXjeA7zlvJmnBJybW/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mA4JuuPY7-QEHDOUXjeA7zlvJmnBJybW/view and link to meeting recording here: 2025-02-20: Virtual - User Support Reference Group - SNOMED Confluence https://confluence.ihtsdotools.org/
Proposal for change to medicinal products by changing the /1 hour normalization of patch products to usual manufacturer’s stated strength commonly /24 hours (or /1 hour or /16 hours or /72 hours may be appropriate).
Do we have consensus in the DEUSG about how this should be represented in the international edition? For example, concentration strength (eg. moving away from normalized /1) or presentation strength - how would this work? - or something else (rate etc)?
BN 20241007_ patches str
Please provide comments on the examples below representing the challenges in harmonizing the US Drug Extension with SNOMED CT international release introduced during the 2025-02-20 DEUSG meeting. Complete details can be found at 2025-02-20: Virtual. Slides can be found at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rkpoLnmKMecO1Bi5xGJVteT2miJy2vZ0/view https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rkpoLnmKMecO1Bi5xGJVteT2miJy2vZ0/view. Recording starts at 55:00.
Summary of 5 examples:
Thiothixene: SNOMED has
I hope this is the right place!
Clarity around content authored in an extension and then promoted to be included in the International Release. What to do with description IDs, relationship IDs, and language IDs.
Hi donos
Yes you're right. Where international components (concepts, descriptions, relationships) use the same identifier for promoted content, there's no need for you to do anything because the newer effective time in the international edition will override those in your extension. However in this case where only the concept id has been taken over and the other components were given new identifiers, then it would be correct to inactivate the equivalent (other-ids) components in your own extension so that they do not appear to be duplicates.
Best Wishes, Peter
CC lbird sroy
We want to use SCT in our new EHR (Millennium) but need to report diagnoses in ICD-10 SE for statistics, reimbursement etc.
What different options are there for doing this? Can we do it within M? Should we do it outside M? Is there any software to support this? Please share your experiences of this (good or bad) so we can make a wise choice of way forward.
Great thanks in advance!
That's also something has been done by NSW Health in Australia. I'm not working in the public hospital system for many years but believe the diagnosis will be pick up by clinician from the SNOMED CT list in Cerner and other eMR systems. The SNOMED CT concept id will be mapped to ICD-10-AM code then generate AR-DRG code for hospital funding (Activity-Based Funding). The process is done through the medical record department (now called health information service).
Also, NSW Health has its own data warehouse system (called health information exchange) which get all sorts of information from electronic systems including Cerner. Then the collaborated data can be used for QA, dashboard, reporting, and research purpose.
To answer your question:
1, SNOMED CT to ICD-10 mapping should be able done inside or outside Cerner. The information may need to be transferred to a separate system or data warehouse for grouping. The choice depends on your system infrastructure.
2, As you need a diagnosis reference set in Cerner, the tool to generate the SNOMED CT reference set is required. Otherwise, you may use an existing diagnosis reference set from any NRC. You may also need a mapping tool as the SNOMED CT to ICD-10 SE may not available, and you also need to maintain the updates. I believe SNOW OWL MQ is the recommended tool for those purposes.
How can SCT be used within M? We are at the beginning of an implementation of M and are pretty lost when it comes to support for SCT in M. We get different answers depending on who we ask.
is there a character limit for terms that will trunctate SCT terms?
does M store the concept-ID and/or the descripition-ID or none of those? (the screenshots I have seen have displayed description-ID)
Can M handle synonymity; ie different terms are displayed in different parts of the system and are s
I have some experience looking the Cerner Millenium implementation in Queensland, Australia. They have a standardised build implemented over a number of sites around the state.
SCT is being used in Millenium for Problems and Alerts, and Procedures
Not that i'm aware of
The description ID is displayed, but both the description ID and concept ID is stored in the back-end
There is different search functionality available in different components of Millenium. In some search components, synonymy cannot be used, search results will display all matching synonyms as descrete lines (regardless if they belong to the same concept which makes it the search return long and feel like there is a lot of redundancy) and it will return in alphabetical order. I am not sure about it's capability across different parts of the system
I do not believe so. I think you need to export it out and do queries outside the Millenium system
Not that i have seen. Cerner is able to consume extensional reference sets published by our NRC as part of our extension bundle. These need to be processed and put into the SCT package which gets loaded into the Millenium.
Hope that's helpful
Do you puzzle it together by copy/pasting info from previous letters? Or do you have one shared, jointly managed source of truth? If one common source: is it free text, or structured? If structured: do you use Snomed CT concepts? If so: do you search in all relevant hierarchies or in a managed clinical vocabulary? do you manage this in a problem list subset? do you manage your terminology inside our outside your Electronic Medical Record?
(I know, it's a lot of questions, but I'm
1, we use an in-house developed system to record personal and their family health history. It's stored in a structured database table which contains a few basic data elements: date/age of diagnosis, kinship, and diagnosis.
2, we use ICD-10 as the diagnosis code instead of SNOMED CT and looking to use a reference set to replace the ICD-10 code list.
3, we are not planning to use hierarchies as it is really hard for our biostatistician to do data analysis. SAS and R are their best friends.
4, yes, we do manage our own problem list as we are specialised in melanoma treatment and only record what the clinicians' interest in.
5, we are currently managing the reference set inside eMR and planning to introduce a terminology server like system to manage the terminology binding in multiple code systems.
Nicholas McGraw