The Mapping Tooling User Group (MTUG) was established to clarify the use cases and requirements for a tool that supports mapping from other code systems to SNOMED CT.
These use cases and requirements were used to build Snap2Snomed - an online tool that supports the implementation of SNOMED CT by enabling users to collaboratively create and maintain simple maps to SNOMED CT using a guided approach.
In 2022, the MTUG will provide feedback on Snap2Snomed and help to prioritise future feature requests. For details of MTUG meetings please visit this page.
The Snap2Snomed mapping tool is now available at https://snap.snomedtools.org.
The Snap2Snomed user guide can be found at http://snomed.org/s2sug.
Map User Interface
Vision Board
Recently updated
2025-03-13: Virtual2025-Mar-18 • commented by Krista Lilly
2025-03-13: Virtual2025-Mar-18 • commented by Nicola Ingram
2025-03-13: Virtual2025-Mar-18 • commented by Nicholas McGraw
2025-03-13: Virtual2025-Mar-17 • commented by Michael Keary
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Constantina Papoutsakis
Hi, Linda, and all. When is the next planned mtg? for the mapping tooling user group? Thank you.
Linda Bird
Hi Constantina,
The next MTUG meeting is scheduled for 10:00 UTC on Tuesday 29th June. Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the invitation list.
Kind regards,
Constantina Papoutsakis
Yes that would be great, thanks so much, Linda.
Linda Bird
Hi Constantina - Could you please send me your preferred email address to use for the invite, to lbi@snomed.org? Thanks! Linda.
Feikje Hielkema-Raadsveld
Hi Linda BirdCould you send me an invite for the next meeting? Or possibly the one after that, as I will be on holiday until early August.
Linda Bird
Hi Feikje! I have just added you to the MTUG group, as requested. You should automatically be sent the calendar invites for all the meetings (within the next few hours). Enjoy your holidays! Kind regards, Linda.
Linda Parisien
Hi Linda,
How can we request access to the test environment if we don't have a AEHRC account or ID?
Linda Bird
Hi Linda! I'll email you offline to discuss. Speak soon!
Kind regards, Linda.
Anil Patel
Hi Linda,
Could you send me the Invite to the next meeting?
Thank you
Linda Bird
Hi Anil!
Sure! Could you please send me your email address (to lbi@snomed.org), so that I can add you.
For your information, the next meeting is today (Tuesday 24th August) at 10:00 UTC on this Zoom link - https://snomed.zoom.us/j/96965512057?pwd=ZVRBRWFabUJkcWlnM3V6TlV5WWd4Zz09.
Kind regards,
Ismat Mohd Sulaiman
Congratulations on bringing this up to the current state. It looks great. I've just finished your presentation at the Conference.
And I've just started playing around with a few pages. I think you may have this in your item list, but in case you don't, here are some of my suggestions:
1) Provide a downloadable template in the formats that you are accepting at the Import Source File window.
2) Enable a simple checker when the source file is importing to ensure that the template are in order, has all the mandatory headers, and those non-mandatory are excluded or hidden (since I expect different mappers may have their own spreadsheets template)
Keep up with the good work.
Linda Bird
Thanks very much for your feedback Ismat!
With respect to the code system import file, the only constraint on this file at the moment is that it must be in CSV or TSV format. There are no mandatory headings, there can be any number of columns - and the user can select which column contains the code and which column contains the term. So, with this in mind, I'm unsure if a file template would be useful. What do you think?
Thanks Ismat!
Ismat Mohd Sulaiman
Hi Linda,
That sounds great. Simple and effective. A tooltip might just be adequate.
Best regards!
Mikko Härkönen
Hello, I try to make a new map and I would like to know what is ECL that is mandatory field to add. If I put numeber to the field, I got an error: Target scope is not a valid ECL. So what does it need to proceed?
Linda Bird
Hi Mikko!
'ECL' stands for SNOMED's 'Expression Constraint Language' (see http://snomed.org/ecl). This is the query language we use whenever we need to define a set of SNOMED concepts (e.g. defining the range of an attribute in the concept model, or querying patient records). SI's SNOMED CT browser (https://browser.ihtsdotools.org) has an 'Expression Constraint Queries' tab on the right side (next to 'Concept details'), where you can try out some ECL queries. The 'Help' button shows you some of the main operators, with examples.
In the Mapping Tool, the 'Scope of map target' field allows you to use ECL to limit the SNOMED scope that you're allowed to map to. By default it is set to * (which means any concept in the given edition) ... but you can, for example, restrict the mapping to only use the descendants of |Clinical finding| using the ECL query " < 404684003 | Clinical finding | " (to avoid inappropriate matches). The SNOMED CT browser has an ECL builder, which allows you to construct simple ECL queries through a form-based interface, but this has not been integrated with the mapping tool yet.
If in doubt, the simplest thing to do is to leave the default value of " * " in the Scope field of the mapping tool. This should (eventually) all be explained in the Mapping Tool's user guide.
Thanks for the question!
Kind regards,
Janice Spence
Hello, are there regular meetings of this group that i can join as an observer?